Archive for November, 2012

Sathya Sai Remembers His Kamandala ‘In Shirdi…’
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Did Bhagawan in the old days ever describe any episode from the life of Shirdi Sai Baba? Though there are plenty of such references, directly from Bhagawan, throwing light into the Oneness of both the Avatars, sometimes He makes it unique and more interesting, involving some devotees, leaving an eternal impression in ‘His-Story,’ proving the Oneness. read more »
Posted in Sai Spiritual Showers

Master The Mind, Be A Mastermind…
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Profound aphorisms or mahavakyas given by Bhagawan are not mere combination of words, but tools helping sincere practitioners to introspect, to bring in greater awareness and thus help elevating to higher levels of consciousness. It would be interesting to know the naive perceptions of the ‘little hearts’ from Sri Sathya Sai Primary School, perceptions on some of the most often heard Sai Mahavakyas. Twelve year old N Anirudh writes about Master The Mind, Be A Mastermind. read more »
Posted in Musings From Little Hearts

From Tragedy To Truth…
Monday, November 5, 2012
How often we point a finger at, questioning Him, The Lord, making Him responsible for so called oddities in our lives? Seldom do we understand or fathom Divine intricacies, God’s finite details, that shape the course of our lives. Here is an amazing story of transformation, from being a critic to a disciplined follower of Bhagawan! The story narrates a remarkable instance of a young man who came from Lucknow to attend the Summer Course at Brindavan in 1979. Written by Ajay Pant, extracted from Sanathana Sarathi archivals.
Posted in Sai Spiritual Showers

When Heaven Came Down To Mumbai…
Friday, November 2, 2012
What do you do when the most beloved person in your life returns home after a long wait? Shed tears of joy? Sing and dance in ecstasy? Plead Time to stand still? The people of Mumbai did it all, and much more, to express some of their inexpressible joy when their most beloved Bhagawan came visiting them for three days on October 31, 2009 — after a long wait of nine years. read more »
Posted in Reflections

Saved by a Photograph…
Thursday, November 1, 2012
God, Who verily responds to a sincere prayer seeking His Divine protection, does come to the aid of a devotee, apparently without any direct calling. Call it great good fortune or a gentle tap from the Greater Heaven, bailing him out of an apparent danger, God does it while remaining behind the curtain, projecting His mysterious visiting cards…an interesting episode from Sri KR Vasudevan, formerly Editor, Dinamani Kadir, Chennai. read more »
Posted in Sai Spiritual Showers