Thus Far…

Thus Far…

‘Thus Far’ – Memories Poignantly Pirouette A Replay

25th March 2011, the Divine Chariot cruised along on a carpet of adoration that distinctly flowed from every heart that had gathered in Sai Kulwant Hall that evening, for a glimpse of God. All necks craned to view this most adored form. Awe, exultation and deep reverence did exude forth embracing the ever loving and living God. Only on retrospect do these lines echo imploring an encore – ‘Tum Ko Dekha Toh Yeh Khayal Aaya Zindagi Dhoop, Tum Ghana Saaya…Hum Ney Kya Khoya, Hum Ney Kya Paaya…Oh! Lord, The thoughts that flit through the mind upon viewing Your Beloved Form, makes us realize that You are that vital shade that soothes and refreshes even as life represents scorching rays of the Sun…Yet, when no longer visible, can we fathom/acknowledge what have we lost or comprehend /assess what have we received or gained…?”

The time that was to follow, the unfolding of His Divine plan and what necessitated it, was and is known only to the Beloved One…the unreserved shock, utter anguish and deep pain felt as He chose to hitherto withdraw the Cherished Form, could be overcome only by the downpour and surge of love His very name brings forth.  As Beloved Bhagawan gave that most loving, lingering, everlasting, decisive and significant erstwhile darshan as yet, He made all know – You are never alone but God’s very own.

Come, join in as Prasanthi reminisces and recalls that ultimate public darshan thus far, of the Formless Supreme.

Thus Far…

II Samasta Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu II