Archive for 2011

All India Sevadal Blessing
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
This evening Bhagawan emerged at 1850 hrs. and headed into the Poornachandra Auditorium. Outgoing batch of sevadals, an all India batch, was seated in the auditorium for special blessings. Coming on to the special dais, Bhagawan blessed the prasadam for distribution. Even as prasadam went for distribution, Bhagawan came down for His usual round of
blessing. After completing the rounds, both ladies’ and gents’ section, spending more than twenty minutes, Bhagawan moved off, setting off to Sai Kulwant, not before accepting Mangala Arathi. Coming on to the Poornachandra main stage, Bhagawan sat facing the sevadals for a minute and blessed the concourse with abhayahastha.
Posted in Prasanthi News
Monday, March 21, 2011
Everything with Beloved Bhagawan is sweet and beautiful. This evening’s darshan was short, yet supremely beautiful.
Bhagawan came in, ‘quite early’, at 1835 hrs., showing up on the stage in next five minutes. Officiating the session for two full bhajans Bhagawan indicated for Mangala Arathi and left the dais, blessing the concourse, retiring to Yajur Mandiram at 1850 hrs.
Posted in Prasanthi News

Sunday, March 20, 2011
Heightened tempo in bhajans coupled with an escalated feeling marked the arrival of Bhagawan at 1925 hrs., granting darshan, this evening in this Abode of Supreme Peace, Prasanthi Nilayam.
…And as He moved showing His compassionate face, showering love all over, thousands filled in the Sai Kulwant turned ecstatic, raining bliss within.
Posted in Prasanthi News
Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh seeks Bhagawan’s blessings
Friday, March 18, 2011
This beautiful Friday evening’s appointment with The Lord began at the twilight hour, at 1900 when Bhagawan emerged from His Divine Abode Yajur Mandiram. A full round of darshan ensued before Bhagawan alighting on the verandah in ten minutes.
A group of veteran leaders belonging to the RSS (Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh) led by veteran VHP leader Ashok Singhal welcomed Bhagawan as He alighted from His car.
Posted in Prasanthi News
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
This evening Bhagawan arrived amidst bhajans, at 1920 hrs. and went for His usual round. Following the previous evening’s pattern, Bhagawan completed the day’s rounds with another half round, with the women devotees going lucky once again.
As bhajans continued, Bhagawan sat for the next fifteen minutes before calling for Mangala Arathi at 1945 hrs. Even as Mangala Arathi was coming to an end, Bhagawan entertained some of the frontbenchers who were vying for His attention.
Posted in Prasanthi News
Maharashtra Sevadal Blessing
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Today was Sevadal blessing day. Completing their weeklong service in the Ashram, second and final batch of Sevadals from Maharashtra assembled this evening in the Poornachandra for special blessings.
Posted in Prasanthi News
Felicitation by a Proud Mother
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Mother Sai was proud and He decided to felicitate His students for their stupendous achievements! There was a small intermission during the bhajans this evening when a dozen students were felicitated by Bhagawan for academic excellence at the national level.
Earlier, in the evening, Bhagawan came at 1815 hrs. for a full round of darshan. Coming on stage as Bhagawan sat officiating the session, a mini felicitation was brewing.
Posted in Prasanthi News
Prema Bandham 2003 Batch
Saturday, March 12, 2011
“So Are We Bound; So Are We Free”was the big artistic writing on a symbolic kite banner that adorned the Poornachandra backdrop this evening, as eighty six students from the 2003 batch of SSSIHL assembled at the venue along with their immediate families, in anticipation of yet another “Bond of Love” with Bhagawan. read more »
Posted in Prasanthi News
Thursday, March 10, 2011
This forenoon, at around 1130 hrs., Bhagawan emerged from Yajur Mandiram driving beyond the gates for a round of the township. Bhagawan returned to the Ashram in an hour time, through the western gate of Prasanthi Nilayam.
When Bhagawan is the Force and Source, a day in Prasanthi Nilayam is defined by ‘His Moves’. The day when He comes out with a blooming smile, spend ample time around, is ‘the day’ in every one’s imagination.
Posted in Prasanthi News
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
This evening Bhagawan arrived at 1910 hrs. After a full round of darshan Bhagawan came on to the dais and presided over the session till Mangala Arathi at 1940 hrs. The half-an-hour of Bhagawan’s presence on the stage was marked by high pitch bhajans.
With a thousand throat repeating the Universal Prayer, marking the conclusion of the session, Bhagawan as well joined for a moment, with His hand gestures striking chord with the beat, raising and dropping His palm in slow motion. Bhagawan retired to Yajur Mandiram at 1945 hrs.
Posted in Prasanthi News