Archive for 2011

Sri Sathya Sai International Orthopaedics Conference on pelvis and lower extremity trauma
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Jul 22 – 24: The Sri Sathya Sai International Orthopaedics Conference on pelvis and lower extremity trauma began at the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Medical Sciences (SSSIHMS), Prasanthigram on July 22.
Highly reputed leaders and teachers in trauma surgery participated in the conference as faculty which was attended by delegates from India and abroad.
Tags: Conferences, Photos
Posted in Reports

“From Many to One”, a song medley by devotees from California
Monday, July 25, 2011
Continuing the festive season in Prasanthi Nilayam, 121 devotees from California arrived on a pilgrimage from 21st to 30th July. They got an opportunity to present a song medley, “From Many To One”. The programme was presented by the Glendale-Arcadia Sadhana Group and the Glendale Balvikas of Southern California.
Tags: Concert, Photos, Pilgrimage, Videos
Posted in Reports

The Legacy of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba – Sri. V.Srinivasan
Friday, July 22, 2011
To millions of Devotees all over the world, Bhagawan Baba has been God personified. They worshipped and adored Him; they prayed only to Him in times of joy and sorrow; He was their friend, guide and philosopher. Many still continue to have the same attitude towards Him and He still answers their prayers in His own unique way, which we cannot even begin to comprehend and understand. Bhagawan continues to manifest his miracles all over the world. Each individual has his own special experiences of Baba’s Divinity. The greatest joy for Sai devotees is to share and listen to these leelas. Through these conversations, which are in fact satsangs, each one’s faith and devotion is reinforced and strengthened.
Posted in Divine Foot Prints

Alumni Music Programme and “Avvaiyar”, Musical Dance Drama
Friday, July 22, 2011
On the 16th evening, Balvikas children from Tamil Nadu staged a musical dance drama titled “Saint Avvaiyar”. depicting the illustrious life of poet saint Avvaiyar from Tamil Nadu, in Sai Kulwant Hall. The session commenced at 1630 hrs with Vedic recitation.
Tags: Concert, Festivals, Photos, Pilgrimage, Student Programmes
Posted in Reports

Service to God
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Care for life, concern for nature and respect for all of creation, the term Seva gets an expansive meaning embracing the world beyond humans, of mineral, plant and animal kingdom, true to the meaning of the Universal Prayer, Samastha Lokaha Sukhino Bhavantu. A poem “Service to God” by Ms. Jullie Chaudhuri. read more »
Posted in Say It Poetically

Guru Purnima Evening Programme
Saturday, July 16, 2011
The programme for the evening started with Veda chanting at 4.30. After Veda chanting, two programmes were slated for this session. The first was by famous Carnatic classical music exponent Smt. Aruna Sairam. Aruna Sairam received vocal training from her mother Rajalakshmi Sethuraman, who was a disciple of the Alathur Brothers and Thanjavur Sankara Iyer. She later received training from prominent vocalists, Madurai Somasundaram and T. Brinda. She also learnt the art of Pallavi singing from T. R. Subramaniam.

Unveiling of Mahasamadhi
Friday, July 15, 2011
At the stroke of 8.00 in the morning, the Mahasamadhi of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba was unveiled with the offer of Maha Mangala Arati. The sepulchre, if one can call it presented a beautiful sight, the whole structure including the pillars on both sides was draped in white colour. The first programme for the morning was Guru Vandana (salutations to the Guru) by the students of Sri Sathya Sai Educational Institutions. This presentation was a collection of melodious songs and Stotras (verses) interspersed with beautiful incidents, experiences, interactions that the students had with Bhagawan. With the chanting of Sai Gayatri, the students offered their salutations at the Lotus Feet of Sadguru, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba on the auspicious occasion of Guru Purnima. Twameva Mathacha Pitha Twameva, Twameva Bandhuscha Sakha Twameva, Twameva Vidya Dravinam Twameva, Twameva Sarvam Mama Devadeva. read more »
Tags: Festivals, Photos, Student Programmes
Posted in Reports

Guru Purnima Eve 2011
Friday, July 15, 2011
Morning Programme
As part of Guru Purnima celebrations, a series of programmes were held at Prasanthi Nilayam. The Sri Sathya Sai World Youth Conference on the lofty topic “Ideal Sai Leadership” was conducted in Poornachandra Auditorium on 13th and 14th July 2011.
As a curtain raiser to the Guru Purnima festival, on the morning of 14th July, the programme commenced with Veda chanting at 8.00 a.m. Sai Kulwant Hall was filled to capacity. The Hall was tastefully decorated with Chinese lanterns and buntings which added aesthetic value to the ambience. The altar with Bhagawan’s photographs was beautifully decorated with fresh flowers. Malladi brothers, Sriram Prasad and Sri Ravi Kumar, the famous Carnatic music duo enthralled the audience with their performance for the sixth time. read more »
Tags: Concert, Conferences, Festivals, Photos
Posted in Reports

Guru – Sadguru – Jagadguru
Thursday, July 14, 2011
It’s Guru Purnima time and for Prasanthi and Sai fraternity, it is time to reminisce on the impeccable fortune, having the Cosmic Guru in Sri Sathya Sai to guide, to lead to the ultimate destination. Introspecting on the festivity and greater significance, author poses a question that If we don’t pay heed to His divine call… How better is our fate… Than those that don’t know of Him at all? Read yet another inspiring poem blossomed in the heart of Ms. Jullie Chaudhury.
Posted in Say It Poetically

Maha Samadhi?
Thursday, July 14, 2011
With the Maha Samadhi for The Lord Incarnate, as it is described, is all set to open for public worship, a reminiscence of the entire happening that finally led to this concept of Maha Samadhi…a poem from the pen of Sri VN Prahlad.
Posted in Say It Poetically