
Fulfilling the ‘holyday’s’ aspirations and prayers from thousands congregated in the Sai Kulwant Hall, Bhagawan emerged from the Divine Abode at 1823 hrs. here this Thursday evening. Coming for a full round of darshan, once again out in the open much to the joy of the thousands, Bhagawan went for a slow round blessing many, including the tiny tots from the Primary School.

Arriving on the dais at 1850 hrs. Bhagawan sat for the next 15 minutes, busy with the day’s mail from the devotees, before accepting Arathi at 1905 hrs. As blessed prasadam went for distribution Bhagawan sat through for some more time watching over the distribution.

Blessing the concourse, Bhagawan left the dais at 1915 hrs. retiring to Yajur Mandiram.