Archive for the ‘Sai Spiritual Showers’ Category

Sathya Sai About Shirdi Sai…

How Bhagawan Shirdi Sai, Who would often repeat ‘Dattatreya Malik’ and ‘Allah Malik’ once ‘proved’ that He is verily Lord Dattatreya and on another occasion demonstrated the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of man, settling a dispute between Hindu and Muslim devotees, was narrated by Bhagawan in one of His Divine discourses… read more »

From Shirdi To Parthi…

To the one who sought His grace with purity of heart and selfless devotion, Baba conferred His grace abundantly. Mataji Krishna Priya of Nagpur was one such devotee. Living in Nagpur, she would worship Krishna and considered Shirdi Baba as another form of Krishna and often frequented to Shirdi to be closer to the Divine in physical form. Read on a thrilling instance from her life featuring Sai Baba of Shirdi, Who heard the cry of a grieving soul, full of love and devotion for Him, and thus decided to reappear after His physical passing on…recounting the story as narrated by Bhagawan on the occasion of Shirdi Sai ‘Birth Anniversary’…

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The Oneness Of Sathya Sai and Shirdi Sai…

The Unmanifest when decided to manifest in the Kali Age, He chose to don the garb of Shirdi Sai first, before coming back again as Sri Sathya Sai. How does one know the unity or oneness of the two Sai Avatars, Shirdi Sai and Sathya Sai? read more »

“…Yes, I Am The Director”

Imagine, Baba came up to you, asking you to take up a noble responsibility in spreading His message, sidelining a family ‘trauma’ involving your beloved son… who is in prolonged coma… how would the mother in you respond to this Divine Command??? …an angelic mother from the US had this rare Divine Test, inside the interview room, only to come out obedient, accepting The Divine Command per se. Read on as Ms Berniece Mead explains the rarest Sai Test, in her book “Letters From “J”. (Ms Berniece had narrated this experience in the recently held SSE Conference in Prasanthi Nilayam.) read more »

Meditate Upon One Name and One Form…

During His visit to Mysore in 1958, Bhagawan had blessed Smt. Karunamba’s home with His Divine visit. During the occasion, while revealing His Truth as The Ultimate, Bhagawan enlightened the assembly of the importance of worshipping singe God-form… From the book ‘Sri Sathya Sai Anandadayi – Journey with Sai’ by Smt Karunamba Ramamurthy. read more »

Most Eligible Candidate…

In Dwapara, during the Mahabharata War, Bhagawan Sri Krishna had one Arjuna, whom He used as His ‘right’ instrument in disseminating the Song Celestial Bhagavad Gita, for the emancipation of Arjunas of future… What made him most eligible, to become the chosen instrument in the Hands Of The Divine, Bhagawan Sri Krishna. An analysis based on an article by Brahmachari Bulusu Appanna Sastry, published in Sanathana Sarathi. read more »

Be Exemplary Citizens…

An true seeker who follows Him and His teachings meticulously always stand with a chance to learn better lessons, at every turn of his life….out of His greater love and compassion He often chooses to teach such a devotee finer lessons, correcting and bringing him back to the right track…Dr A Adivi Reddy cites some such instances from His Story… read more »

Try… Try To Change…

Others’ experiences are always interesting to listen to but we must have them ourselves for the full meaning of His power and glory to register, writes  Mr Harry Mansbridge deliberating on the need to ‘try…try to change’, when one ‘arrives’ in Prasanthi Nilayam. (from Sanathana Sarathi archives)

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“That is My job; I will do that”

How gritty are you in the face of problems upsetting the rhythm of your day-to-day life? … and what is your Faith Quotient, that could help in times of adversities… a beautiful narration of a personal experience by Smt Karunamba Ramamurthy in the book Sri Sathya Sai Anandadai is a lesson for you and me, lesson on Faith and Surrender. read more »

Do Not Delay…

Sanathana Sarathi He Is, our Lord Supreme, Whom we have ‘earned’ by His mighty magnanimity. He Is The Maker Of All Gods and Is The Lord Of Eternity….  Para Brahmam… Blessed indeed are we, to be ‘His Own’… When, at a time, He remains aloof from human sight, when His created world shows declining tendencies read more »