Archive for the ‘For Children With Love…’ Category

Would You, Sweet Child, Like This Gift From Me…?
Tuesday, October 11, 2016
Today marks the auspicious Vijaya Dasami, the culmination of Devi Navarathri, heralding the victory over evil. When with traditional beauty, the world over devotees celebrate the Divine Mother on this day, it is appropriate to reminisce on the Mother Of All Mothers, Avatar Of All Avatars, Sarvadevadaateeta Swarupa Sri Sathya Sai, Who Is amidst us as Beloved Mother Sai… How significant it is to carry Him in our hearts, nurturing the souls… taking the journey ahead… perhaps answer to this comes from Sri Jullie Chaudhuri’s following lines… If the next breath has no craving for the Supreme Being… …i’d rather not breathe, Longing for Him should never ebb nor recede, This is the gift, sweet child, that you receive from me… …all that i am and ever will be… …i remain replete at His Most Cherished Lotus Feet… Celebrating the occasion of Vijaya Dasami, a beautiful poem by Sri Jullie Chaudhuri for all the children of the world, nay for all the hearts and minds of His created world… on the Beauty Beyond Compare called Beloved Mother Sai. read more »
Posted in For Children With Love..., Say It Poetically, Straight From The Heart

Silent Night…Holy Night!
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
On Christmas Eve 1818 the carol “Stille Nacht! Heilige Nacht” was heard for the first time in a village church in Oberndorff, Austria. As the fame of this carol grew, its whereabouts were slowly forgotten. Myths and fanciful tales gathered around its origins. Here comes the fascinating tale from Irmgard Essers, about the birth of the famous carol…from the author’s book A Miraculous Christmas. read more »
Posted in For Children With Love...