Archive for October, 2011

Gujarathi New Year in Prasanthi Nilayam
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Celebrating Gujarati New Year Balvikas Children from Sri Sathya Sai School, Surat enacted a drama entitled “Living in Sai’s Omnipresence” on 27th Oct evening in Prasanthi Nilayam. The presentation was an attempt to portray some of the true incidents, as testimonies, to His Divine Presence! read more »
Tags: Dance, Functions, Photos, Pilgrimage, Skit, Videos
Posted in Reports
Gujarathi New Year 2011
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Celebrating Gujarati New Year Balvikas Children from Sri Sathya Sai School, Surat enacted a drama entitled “Living in Sai’s Omnipresence” this evening in Prasanthi Nilayam. The presentation was an attempt to portray some of the true incidents, as testimonies, to His Divine Presence! read more »
Posted in Prasanthi News

Diwali 2011
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
The festival of Diwali was celebrated with much devotional fervour with the state of Gujarat takes the lead in the proceedings on 26th Oct evening in Prasanthi Nilayam.
The programme commenced with State President of Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations, Sri Manohar G. Trikannad introducing the session. He also presented a brief profile of various seva activities in the state.
Tags: Dance, Festivals, Photos, Speeches, Videos
Posted in Reports
Diwali Celebrations 2011
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Today is auspicious Deepavali, the festivity that is often referred to as The Festival Of Lights! Like many other festivities Prasanthi would also celebrate Deepavali in the past with students rejoicing the occasion bursting crackers in the Divine Presence. Until the inception of the Divine Abode, Yajur Mandiram, the green lawns opposite Poornachandra, where The Divine Abode was built, used to be the venue where students from Prasanthi and Brindavan campuses burst crackers on the auspicious evening in the Divine presence. Deepavali earlier years was also blessed with Bhagawan’s Divine discourses. …And during the occasion last year, all loving Mother Sai drove Himself down to Sri Sathya Sai Hill View Stadium where His grateful students had arranged a ‘multi-colour shower from the heavens’ – a memorable fireworks display, heralding 85 Years of Love…!!!
Posted in Prasanthi News
Avatar Declaration Day 2011
Thursday, October 20, 2011
This day, 71 years ago, in a small and unknown town called Uravakonda in the erstwhile Madras Presidency of South India, a 14 year old boy named Rathnakaram Sathya Narayana Raju returned from school in the afternoon, cast away his books in front of his sister-in-law, Smt. Susheela, and declared most emphatically – “I am no longer your Sathya. I am Sai Baba! My devotees beckon me. I have my work to attend to. I am leaving!” He moved into the garden of a neighborhood house, and to the people gathered there , he sang his epoch making Bhajan – Maanasa Bhajare Guru Charanam, Dustara Bhava Sagara Taranam (Oh Mind! Worship the Feet of the Guru and cross the turbulent ocean of this worldly existence).
The day was spent in prayer and quiet contemplation by the devotees in Puttaparthi. They spent the day in remembering the often repeated statement by Bhagawan Baba, “I am Divine, but you too are Divine. The only difference is that I know about my Divinity and you are unaware of it”. There was an hour long Vedam session from 1630 to 1730hrs in the evening. This was followed by short talk by Sri Anil Kumar on the significance of this day.
Tags: Functions, Speeches, Student Programmes
Posted in Prasanthi News
Kerala Youth Parthi Yatra and Sri O.S.Arun Concert
Saturday, October 15, 2011
400 Youth from the state of Kerala reached Prasanthi Nilayam yesterday on a 3 day pilgrimage. Apart from listening to talks and sharing of experiences with Ashram elders, the youth also visited the various places of interest in the Global Township of Prasanthi Nilayam.
This evening there was a music concert by Sri O. S. Arun who began his music lessons under the careful ear of his father Vidwan O.V. Subramaniam. He is known for his sonorous voice that he wields with much confidence and musical personality and which he employs in tandem with his superior stagemanship. Sri Arun was blessed with the opportunity of performing in front of Bhagawan earlier during the Ati Rudra Maha Yajnam.
Posted in Prasanthi News

Cultural Programme by Odisha Balvikas and Youth
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Odisha has had a long and loving relationship with Prasanthi Nilayam with Bhagawan having a special soft corner for Sevadal from the state. The youth and Balvikas from the state have come on a special pilgrimage in which they have volunteered to be of additional service in the way of ashram cleaning and other chores. They also held inspiring sessions participating in singing and lectures by Ashram elders.
Tags: Photos, Pilgrimage, Skit, Speeches, Videos
Posted in Reports
Odisha Programme
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Odisha has had a long and loving relationship with Prasanthi Nilayam with Bhagawan having a special soft corner for Sevadal from the state. The youth and Balvikas from the state have come on a special pilgrimage in which they have volunteered to be of additional service in the way of ashram cleaning and other chores.
This morning they held a rath yatra for Bhagawan from Shivalayam (His birthplace) to the Vidyagiri Arch. The Rath was accompanied by 108 women carrying Poorna Kumbams (sacred pots), a group of conch blowers and Mridangam (percussion) artists among other devotees representing the folk culture of the state.
Posted in Prasanthi News
London Music and TN Drama
Friday, October 7, 2011
This calm morning after the pleasantly hectic days of Dasara witnessed a soothing performance by youth from United Kingdom who have been part of the Annual Grama Seva ever since its inception. The programme entitled Sai Harmony started at 0800hrs with Vedic recital. At 0815, the youth sang the stotram, “Brahmanandam Parama Sukatam…”. This was followed by a melodius song by Ms. Charlotte who then went on to play a Bhajan Medley in the Accordion and a Sitar rendition by Ms. Rupinder accompanied by Sri Manjeet on the Tabla.
Posted in Prasanthi News

“Rama Raajyam Sai Samraajyam”, Drama by Tamil Nadu Balvikas and Youth
Friday, October 7, 2011
In the evening of October 7th , there was a Drama by the Sri Sathya Sai Organisation, Tamilnadu entitled, “Rama Raajyam Sai Samraajyam” (The kingdom of Rama, The empire of Sai). The drama was preceded by a dance performance by children dressed colourfully in yellow and pink with the backdrop of a song encouraging us to listen to the sacred story of Ramayana. read more »
Tags: Photos, Pilgrimage, Skit, Videos
Posted in Reports