Archive for August, 2021

He Belongs To All
Thursday, August 19, 2021
How often do we judge Him, judging the actions of the attribute-less Supra-Supreme Divine Persona walking on two Feet, out of sheer, crass ignorance?!? For a devout soul ripe enough for learning, He sends the right message across, often in His own inimitable style, only to help the devotee evolve slow and steady, grade by grade, to a higher level of consciousness. Read on such a revealing experience from the diary of Sri Arun Kumar Panda of Odisha, as chronicled in his book Rasamayee Maa. (edited version)I don’t precisely recall the month, but the year was 1971. I had travelled from Delhi for Swami’s Darshan and would be returning there. I was sitting in the portico of the Mandir at about 2 pm alone on the day of my return journey. read more »
Posted in Sai Spiritual Showers

Loving His Uncertainty
Thursday, August 12, 2021
Prasanthi Nilayam: What does Prasanthi Nilayam mean to each one of us? This Supreme Abode of Peace. where the mightiest of the Avatars chose to walk, is simply “Home” for many, for here each of us feel ‘At Home’, with the Mother of all mothers bathing all with Her Pure Love!!! Read an article from Yasmin Sikal, extracted from Sanathana Sarathi, June, 1978. read more »
Posted in Sai Spiritual Showers

Locking Eyes With The Lord
Thursday, August 5, 2021
What is that incomparable beauty of Sri Sathya Sai Darshanam, when one is blessed to immerse in the Beauty Beyond Compare Ultimate Divine with absolute focus, only to get the bonus blessing of the ultimate beauty of ‘Locking Eyes With The Lord’? Sri ‘Kadu’ Balasubramanyam Parasuraman, an alumnus at SSSIHL, narrates his perception and experience on ‘Locking Eyes’ With The Supreme Lord, narrating a beautiful Brindavan darshan session…as extracted from his recently published book, ‘My Loving Swami’. read more »
Posted in Sai Spiritual Showers