Archive for the ‘Say It Poetically’ Category

Endless Love…
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Pleasure is an interval between two pains, or rather a pain is an interval between two pleasures…How one should take on these so called tests, trials and tribulations that embrace his life tapping the right source of inspiration stems out of faith in the Ultimate Walks The Earth, Beloved Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai….a poem from Ms Nupur Chaudhuri. read more »
Posted in Say It Poetically

Believe In Your Dreams…
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
When He becomes our dream…and when we are in earnest pursuit, following our dream… we are bound to manifest Him… when we cherish our sweet dream… when we empower our intent believing in ourselves, we are bound to manifest Him… our Beloved Mother Sai… writes Sri Jullie Chaudhuri about empowering our dream… believing our own selves… read more »
Posted in Say It Poetically

An Era Of Cosmic Oneness
Monday, September 1, 2014
Do we remember this day, 31 August… it is 6 years since our Beloved Lord blessed this day with His unique, unparalleled touch of sublime grace, the day He chose to revise the ancient Vedic Universal Mantra, “Lokaah Samastha” into “Samastha Lokaah…”. Who else could have dared to revise something the Vedas already proclaimed? Who else could have gifted, granted such a monumental panacea for humanity to transform His Creation into the dream state of Cosmic Oneness. Indeed this Mantra is the panacea for all human ailments, the antidote to wash away our karmic debts…and the most potent tool to make Him ‘happy’… Are we serious in our attempts…are we paying heed to His words… His ‘pleadings’ to refine and reform…into His proud properties…??? Let’s join the whole of His Creation, with folded hands, praying together to grant the Cosmic Oneness…thus Oneness With Sai… Let ‘Samastha Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu’ be established to bring this Golden Era into a Reality… a poem by Sri Jullie Chaudhuri celebrating the grant epochal birth of ”Samastha Lokaah Sukhino Bhavantu”. read more »
Posted in Say It Poetically, Straight From The Heart

Tum Ho Vigna Vinasha…Jai Sri Ganesha…
Saturday, August 30, 2014
After an interlude, it is time to rejoice welcoming the Prime Deity, The Primordial Principle, Lord Ganesha, The Lord Whom Bhagawan often refers to as The Lord without an Over Lord. Today, with the festivity returns to Prasanthi Nilayam with great devotional fervour, let us bask in His glory propitiating Lord Ganesha’s benevolent blessings…a poem from Sri Jullie Chaudhuri. read more »
Posted in Say It Poetically

Samastha Lokaah Sukhino Bhavantu
Thursday, August 28, 2014
Do we understand the fact that Bhagawan loves to Love All & Serve All…by Helping Ever, Hurting Never… These maxims sum up the whole of Bhagawan’s teachings. In a world that is plunged head-long into materialism, man should not lose his hope, but should strive with more vigour and unflinching faith to achieve his goal – humanity’s collective goal… Sai Rama Rajya… a world of Truth and Righteousness… Sathya Sai Is The Answer… and ‘Samastha Lokah…’ is the tool for today’s problems… Commemorating the grand occasion of the birth of the Cosmic Maha Mantra, that emanated from Bhagawan on August 31, 2008, …a poetic supplication from Sri Jullie Chaudhuri echoing Bhagawan’s message of “Samastha Lokah….” read more »
Posted in Say It Poetically

Why, Oh! Why Am i…Beloved Mother Sai…?
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
He is the Adhar… The Basis of every jeeva…and the entire creation… When He, Being The Adhar, The Basis, engages Himself in hide n’ seek, deluding and eluding, how about the devotee’s feeling, the feeling of pangs of separation…??? Rightly asks Sri Jullie Chaudhuri “Are my tears known to Him…?” rhyming Why, Oh! Why Am i…Beloved Mother Sai…? read more »
Posted in Say It Poetically

Tear Drops
Monday, August 25, 2014
When the irresistible call to meet The Beloved comes from deep within, an awakening dawns upon the seeker to sever all ties with the so called ‘unwanted’, prompting him or her to take a headlong plunge, unto the world of Master Beloved….Read a poem from Sri Jullie Chaudhuri connoting this irresistible urge to meet The Beloved!
Posted in Say It Poetically

Ishwara Parama Krishna
Monday, August 18, 2014
Can anyone describe the attributeless Divine descended with infinite attributes? When devotion peaks to exalted heights any attempt in this line becomes an enriched offering at The Supreme Lotus Feet of the Cosmic Enchanter. Reveling the nectar of Krishna Consciousness Sri Jullie Chaudhuri sings paeans to the Lord Supreme on the occasion of Sri Krishna Janmashtami. read more »
Posted in Say It Poetically

Sarey Jahan Sey Atcha Bharat Mata Hamara
Friday, August 15, 2014
Are we to remember the Motherland and her sacrifices fleetingly…only on 26th January and 15th August? When the supremely blessed land of ‘Bharat’, the land that was specially chosen by the Supreme Divine for many of His Divine Incarnations, is celebrating her 67th Anniversary Of Independence, let ev ery Indian remember this and introspect… a poem by Sri Jullie Chaudhuri on the occasion of 68th National Independence Day… read more »
Posted in Say It Poetically

Sai Baba: The Lantern Lighter in Latvia
Friday, August 8, 2014
The Poem, Sai Baba: The Lantern Lighter in Latvia was written by Mirdza Bendrupe, a Latvian poet, which was published in Sanathana Sarathi, September 1983 issue. This is the English translation of the original poem that appeared in the Latvian Journal, Giteratura un moksla. Sending the poem for Sanathana Sarathi, in 1983, Mrs. Rasme Rositas, a Latvian who lived in Germany wrote “I am sending you here something from the Soviet Union. In the Soviet Republic of Latvia there are already devotees of Swami. One devotee, a famous poet, wrote a poem (entitled “A Dream”) about Swami and it was published in March this year in the most popular newspaper in Latvia. In a communist newspaper! One of Swami’s miracles!” read more »
Posted in Say It Poetically