Oh! Lord Jesus…Indeed Hallowed Is Thy Name

Christ had come and gone… not before achieving his task, as ordained by The Heavenly Father… The hailed Son Of God, Lord Jesus is believe to have lived, as per the historical data, only thirty years and at the end of his epochal human sojourn, he was crucified…by the barbaric… and thus he imprinted himself in the hearts of human history for posterity… Looking back at the eventful life over two millenia ago, comparing the world of today, one may ask a question as to how many more ‘Christs’ should be nailed to the cross, and how many more times must Christ be crucified… a dedication to Lord Jesus on the occasion of Christmas, by Sri Jullie Chaudhuri.

I am only human…I am just a man/woman…
Help me believe in what I could be and all that I am, Show me the stairway, I have to climb, Lord, for my sake…Teach me to take one day at a time…
One day at a time, sweet Jesus…
That’s all I am asking of You…
Just give me the strength to do…Everyday what I have to do…
Yesterday’s gone, sweet Jesus…And tomorrow may never be mine…Lord, help me today show me the way…One day at a time…
These above lines are touching lyrics from a Gospel song that one can sing along and unceasingly affix to prayers…

Through centuries it burnt bright,
Within each heart,
Out of sight,
A luminescent flame…
…set radiantly aglow whatsoever the weather…
…through sunshine and rain…
…knowing no ebb…neither any constraint…
…enhanced, complemented, idolized by…
…adoring lips that did and do praise and acclaim,
…treasuring a dear image close within…
…forever imprinted upon infinity ’s golden frame,
…each tender benevolent deed,
…each spontaneous, kind and profound word…
… that to the Ever Compassionate One…
…did and does pertain…

Oh! Light of Lights,
Oh! Eternal Good Shepherd…
Perpetually do You lead us away from all that is inane…
…worthless, insignificant, monotonous and mundane…
…to that which is truly genuine, wholesome and humane…
…granting glimpses of a heavenly terrain…

And so, on this wondrous day…
…with sweet devotion all of humanity does exclaim -
Oh! Exalted One…
…hold us close once again…
…through all the pain…
…so too, through times of gain,
Enchantedly, enduringly, everlastingly…
…our sentiments You do regally reign…
…our love for You…
…ne’er can we feign,
We adore You, Oh! Noble Sovereign…
Fill our beings with Thee…
…that we may obtain, attain, retain and sustain…
…Thy gracious empathy,
Oh! Immaculate Messiah…
…ordain us to assimilate, pursue and adhere…
…Thy life…Thy way…Thy magnanimous refrain…

…a kindred emotion…a cosmic oneness…
…that we may maintain…
…overthrowing all that is vile, vicious, corrupt…
…deeds that do indeed the environ constrain…
…peace and harmony capture, arrest, detain and restrain…

Oh! Beloved Divine Companion…
…Oh! Thee, eternally, extraordinarily, inexhaustibly…
…a steadfast Friend…
…to all those that need one -
…the affluent, the destitute,
…those meek…and those that are rude…
…those in the grip of misfortune…
…those perfectly attuned…
…specially to those having lost the rhythm of time…
…and remain completely out of tune…
…to ones naïve and simple…
…as well as those sage and astute…
…so too, a comrade to those lonely souls…
… facing many a challenge…
…overcome by inner and outer dispute…
…along existence’s ‘pendulum swinging’ and winding route…

Oh! Christ, most Sacred and Holy One…
…oh! Thee, the sole solace…
…of those filled with a void…
…or perhaps completely devoid and destroyed…
…shaken, beaten, confused and irresolute…
Guide us on…confer direction and aim…
Oh! Resplendent Flame…
…that we may our desires tame…
…that we may stay content and say enough…
Lead us, steer us…Oh! Personification of Kindness…
…to truth, purity and unconditional love…
…inherent within…
…that our very own heart does innately contain…

Oh! Celestial Saviour…Oh! Miracle Bestower…
Oh! Most Charming, Mercifully Liberal Benefactor…
…endless is Thy reach…
…beyond the eras…the wide blue expanse…
…the elements five…
…sublimely timeless is Thy domain…
…we yearn and await the beauty,
…that promised golden destiny…
…the splendor You did ascertain…
…even as You chose…
…and were chosen to herald the Kingdom Of God…
Oh! Precious Lord…
Oh! Beloved Son of the Supreme Father…
Come, assert, affirm, re-ordain the same once again…
…we seek that Being, none else…
…no fortune nor any fame…
…His Essence…His Presence,
Thy Father…our Father…That Ultimate Being…
With superlative joy we would like to laud, applaud and proclaim…
So, come delight us all once again…
Praise ye the Lord…Hallelujah, Alleluia…Amen…
Oh! Sweet Jesus,
Indeed…hallowed is Thy Name…

Let us celebrate Christmas…respecting the Soul of this sublime festival…may harmony radiate its light…and brotherhood fill the psyche…may none fear or forgo a sacrifice…may the spirit of the season exude many a finite reason…to infinitely give…to live and let live…to bless and embrace all beings in bliss…in the substance of camaraderie…this is true remembrance of Jesus’ essence…
And so, as the bells ring out at midnight on Christmas eve…let it be a wake-up call for all…
…for how many more ‘Christs’ should be nailed to the cross…and how many more times must Christ be crucified…how much longer should He bear the burden of the Cross…suffer agony for the sake of humanity…for us to learn our lessons…and mature as humans…?

Merry Christmas!!!