Posts Tagged ‘Videos’

Sai Sannidhi: A Love Story
Sunday, September 4, 2011
This was the celebration of an anniversary, an anniversary of 39 years of service to man, an anniversary of the love between the instruments and the Master, an anniversary of the day Bhagawan blessed His Students who he lovingly handpicked to be part of his mission in the most direct way, the day Bhagawan blessed their parents and thereby taught them the lesson of Filial Piety, the day Bhagawan expanded the scope of the Prayer Chant to “Samasta Lokaah Sukhino Bhavantu”, the anniversary of the day when Bhagawan told His boys that faith is the most important strength of man, not a faith in an external entity but the faith in his own innate divinity. This is Sai Sannidhi day.
Tags: Concert, Functions, Speeches, Student Programmes, Videos
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Ganesha Chaturthi Celebrations and Immersion Ceremony 2011
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Thousands of devotees Thursday welcomed their favourite deity with fervour and gaiety to the precincts of Prasanthi and Puttaparthi in general as the auspicious Ganesh Chaturthi festival kicked off with much religious fervour in the hallowed spiritual township.
Vinayaka Chaturthi, the festival that received its fullest dues over the years in the most inspiring physical presence of Beloved Bhagawan has come again and Prasanthi turned lively once again with the ever enthusiastic students taking the lead. ..And with them keeping her golden memories alive, Prasanthi woke up on the auspicious morning tuned to the Lord of remover of all obstacles, readying herself to celebrate the auspicious day.
Tags: Concert, Festivals, Functions, Photos, Student Programmes, Videos
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Eid-ul-Fitr: Programme by Students
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
“Eid-ul-Fitr”, or the festival of charity was celebrated in Prasanthi Nilayam today. The students of Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning perform educational and inspiring programme on this day every year and this year was no different. After the Vedic invocation, the programme started at 1700 hrs with Namaz, a prayer for the well being of one and all. After the Namaz, the students presented a skit with a story woven around the five pillars of Islam namely – Shahada (Faith), Salat (Prayer), Sawm (Fasting), Zakāt (Charity) and Hajj (Pilgrimage).
Tags: Concert, Functions, Photos, Skit, Student Programmes, Videos
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Polish Choir in Prasanthi Nilayam
Saturday, August 20, 2011
A group of 126 from the Central European country of Poland presented a musical offering at the Sanctum Sanctorum of Sai Kulwant Hall on Aug 20th evening in Prasanthi Nilayam. The group that has come on a Sai Pilgrimage comprised of 35 gents and 91 ladies.
Tags: Concert, Photos, Pilgrimage, Videos
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“Aazadi – The Inner Dependence”, Drama by Students
Monday, August 15, 2011
National Independence Day was celebrated with much patriotic fervour and enthusiasm in Prasanthi Nilayam. On the momentous occasion, postgraduate students from Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Leanrning, Prasanthi Nilayam presented a drama entitled “Aazadi – The Inner Dependence” in the evening in Sai Kulwant Hall. The drama was a portrayal of India’s independence, with flashbacks from the past, highlighting how two cardinal values, Truth and Righteousness strung together played the vital ‘chord’ in the national Independence saga.
Tags: Functions, Photos, Skit, Student Programmes, Videos
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A Musical Garland by Devotees from Middle East and Gulf
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
A pilgrimage by the Region 94 of the Sai Organisation comprising the countries from Middle East and Gulf has enveloped Prasanthi Nilayam with Islamic Fervor in the holy month of Ramadan. The group comprises devotees from UAE, Sultanate of Oman, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Iran. The portion of the Sai Kulwant hall in front of the stage is decorated with flags from all the participating nations. A crescent smiles atop the Sanctum Sanctorum. Teachings of Islam gleaned from Bhagawan’s discourses flutters on the pillars of the hall. A large contingent of devotees in green scarves representing the colour of peace have been very active in Prasanthi Nilayam. Members of the group joined the students for Morning Bhajans since August 7th.
Tags: Concert, Functions, Photos, Pilgrimage, Videos
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Music Programme by Devotees from Germany
Friday, August 5, 2011
Children from Germany who participated in the Summer Course 2010 along with other youth, parents and teachers have arrived on a pilgrimage to Prasanthi Nilayam on the first of August. The group about 200 strong had come with a musical offering to their Beloved Bhagawan to express their deepest gratitude for His unconditional love, blessings and guidance in their work all through the year.
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“From Many to One”, a song medley by devotees from California
Monday, July 25, 2011
Continuing the festive season in Prasanthi Nilayam, 121 devotees from California arrived on a pilgrimage from 21st to 30th July. They got an opportunity to present a song medley, “From Many To One”. The programme was presented by the Glendale-Arcadia Sadhana Group and the Glendale Balvikas of Southern California.
Tags: Concert, Photos, Pilgrimage, Videos
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Ashadi Ekadashi 2011
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Prasanthi woke up this morning to a festive ambience and who better to add colour to an occasion than Maharashtra. The Varkaris continued their grand tradition of Palkhi Seva. Every year they carry a Paduka for Bhagawan in a pada-yatra ( through walk) from Dharamavaram to Puttaparthi. Sri Nimish Pandya (District President of Mumbai), who played the master of ceremony today, recollected how Bhagawan used to always enquire about the welfare of these simple devotees from him again and again over the years.
Tags: Concert, Festivals, Photos, Pilgrimage, Skit, Videos
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Easwaramma Day and Maha Narayana Seva
Sunday, July 10, 2011
This day (6th May 2011) being Easwaramma Day and the 13th day after Bhagawan shed His mortal coil and stayed established as the all-pervading Universal Consciousness, a special function was arranged in the Sri Sathya Sai Hill View Stadium to serve the special guests who had assembled in tens of thousands from the nearby villages. These guests who provide us the opportunity to serve are no less than Narayana Himself and hence this function is rightly named as Maha Narayana Seva. On this auspicious day this activity was also carried out in many centres of the Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations around the world.