Archive for the ‘Sai Spiritual Showers’ Category

Sai As Dattatreya…

God Is One and the same… yet, in different yugas, different times, God incarnated in different forms, accepting different Names… For the one with pure awareness…He is Absolute Consciousness in different forms…  call Him Rama…Krishna…Sai…Dattatreya… At Shirdi, Baba was questioned once by the police…and He in His inimitable style answered “Truly” which was intriguing yet confusing for the foolhardy. Later, to some ‘Doubting Thomases’ Bhagawan showed up Himself as Lord Dattatreya… Trinity in One Supreme Form… Commemorating the Birthless Sai’s ‘Birthday’, the episode as recounted by Bhagawan… read more »

Don’t Worry; I will give him realisation…

Great Masters with complete awareness know what they do… and so with Avatars… it will be foolhardy for man to attempt to gauge their actions, rather man should submit to the will of Great Masters and Avatars…  Years ago, Bhagawan Nithyananda of Ganeshpuri had direted one of His disciples to visit Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai… For Swami Shradhanand, the trip turned out to be an ‘enlightening’ one… enlightened to know that God Is One…and One Only!!! …narrates Dr DJ Gadhia. read more »

He Is That…

Idle curiosity and vain words are of no use to an aspirant. Try to know yourself. When you realise who you are, you will realise Who Sri Sathya Sai Baba is!”  said the Great Jnani Nisargadatta Maharaj to a devotee of Bhagawan revealing that Sri Sathya Sai Baba is Paripoorna Parabhrahmam…an episode from Sathyam Sivam Sundaram – Part 6.

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Follow Your Dharma…

When Dharma guides Karma it becomes praiseworthy and the act turns out to be successful. Bhagawan says “Where there is Dharma there Krishna is; so, think for yourself, each one of you, how far have you deserved the grace of The Lord? You draw Him near; you keep Him far. You entangle yourself, bind yourself, and get caught in the trap. read more »

The Company You Keep…

Where world becomes a stage and the body a costume to deliver the alloted role man should tread with atmost caution reminds Bhagawan…delivering a discourse on the importance of The Company desired to keep… Bhagawan says, The company you join must be qualitatively and quantitatively greater and higehr than the one in which you are now caught. From Bhagawan’s Divine discoures at Brindavan, Whitefiled, on 7 July 1975. read more »

Lord Of Ecstasy Filled Hair…

 Exploring the finer features of an Avatar is tricky, though interesting. In such a venture, one is able to get into the higher realms of understanding of The Divine. Catherine Murray had such an exploration and the subject was the Ecstasy Filled Hair Of The Lord Walking On Two Feet… What entails in her observations on the hallowed hair of this God in human frame? Read on… read more »

The ladder and the steps…

Every Indian has now to question himself of his awareness about the real truth about his country and her spirituality, asking whether he is helping by his acts, words and thoughts to promote the glory and splendour of his Motherland?… exhorts Bhagawan speaking of Bharat’s Sanathana Dharma, recounting the illustrious life of Adi Shankara and the message of his famed composition ‘Bhaja Govindam…’ read more »

Do Not Waste My Time!?!

Having been blessed with the golden opportunity to be in closer proximity of Bhagawan, how many of us are able to justify, sincerely attempting to make Him ‘happy’ by following His teachings? How every single action is scrutinized by His omnipresent vision and how one can become worthy of His eternal presence by following Him…a beautiful incident from Sri Gopal Krishna Yachendra of the Venkatagiri Royal family. read more »

What do you know of Me???

Sitting under the nose of Bhagawan, seeing Him and listening to Him every day, or boasting of any type of acquaintance with the physical Divine, can anyone claim to have understood Him??? Living as contemporaries of this Supreme Avatar, if alone one understands the Truth that, He is Ram and i am His Hanuman, that, He is Allah and i am His Abdulla…in letter and spirit, then he is definitely on the right track… an introspective article by Sri PN Pal. read more »

My Life Is His Message…

What would you have done if you were to face a tricky situation, seeing a hapless girl crying for help in the public, especially beyond the dusk? Would you have waited for the next person to pitch in…or for the Messiah to drop from the ‘heavens’ to bail the suffering one out of her misery?  A true heart that beats incessantly for Him  would never fail to follow the conscious call, ‘My Life Is His Message”. An inspiring story from Sri Jullie Chaudhuri, from the Sri Sathya Sai Newsletter, Pune, July 2013. read more »