Archive for the ‘Sai Spiritual Showers’ Category

Know The Truth In Eleven Seconds…

Human life is granted only to know The Truth – i am I… Not adept at the right technique, being not self-disciplined, man often fumbles, ‘delaying’ his journey and thus his Goal. Tips from Bhagawan leading to The Truth… read more »

My Task Is This…

67 years ago, when Bhagawan was just over twenty years of age, He wrote a very revealing and inspiring reply to a devotee, who was perturbed by adverse talk by aimless tattered tongues, attempting to tarnish the Divine image. Pacifying the agitating mind Bhagawan responded, explaining His Task and His Divinity. The letter was dated 25th May 1947. read more »

The Secret

Prasanthi Nilayam, The Haven Of Peace, The Chosen Abode Of The Almighty Supreme, boasts of ultimate unparalleled blessings… and how fortunate it is to be a part of the chosen land that did penance to win His ultimate grace?… Let’s tune into Sathya Sai Speaks revealing the supreme significance of being in close proximity to HIM… from Peddabottu’s Autobiography. read more »


Call Him out in distress…call Him out in happiness…call Him out at all times…Call Him out from a sincere heart…He is there to listen…respond…and hasten… as experienced by Ms Ruth from the US.. who called out for that ‘somebody’ seeking out in deep distress… as explained by Muriel J Engle, Santa Barbara, USA. From Sanathana Sarathi, Feb 1973. read more »

I Am The Air Raid Warden

A tall claim! What does He mean by saving my life?… wondered Gogoi, perplexed, looking into Bhagawan’s Eyes…. and then He revealed… I Am The Air Raid Warden… an interesting episode from the life of Gogoi, from Prof N Kasturi’s book – Sathya Sai Baba – God In Action…

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Sathya Sai, The OverLord Has Come…

Addressing the congregation of devotees on Nov 23, 1985 Bhagawan began His discourse with a poem in which He declared His Avataric advent as the continuation of all the earlier Avatars from Narasimha to Bhagawan Sri Krishna and beyond….And He declared, Now, with all the attributes, all the qualities has come Puttaparthi Sathya Sai, The OverLord of all. read more »

Be a Lamp unto yourself and to the world…

Moses came first and then arrived Jesus…both of them were sent as Messengers to save ‘the world’ from peril. How about humans, in general…??? …Are they something less…less potent??? Answers The Supreme Source, Bhagawan Himself, urging the messiahs in each one of us to arise and awake and be a lamp unto ourselves and to the world at large. An interesting account by a Westerner connecting the message of Lord Jesus and Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai…from Sanathana Sarathi archives… read more »

“Do you not realise that the Result of all Tapasya is Here?”

In our relationship with Bhagawan are we not often tempted to take things for granted, practically failing to understand Him to be the Supreme Commander Of the Cosmic Universe!?! His ‘visiting cards’ are many, experiences with Him are many, yet man often fumbles failing to know the Truth That He Is…That He Is The Goal Of All Penance…Familiarity often breeds an attitude that tempts us to take Him for granted. Rabin Kumar Diyali, a former student, had the good fortune of learning a profound lesson in this regard, directly from our Mighty Lord…an incident from 26 winters ago.

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Hold Dear The Ideals Of Jesus

It is Christmas time again… celebrating the birth of the Holy Son. Time and again Bhagawan has spoken of the Ideal Son, inciting the ‘devotees’ to raise themselves, to a higher levels of awareness, making Jesus – The Ideal… Read on what Bhagawan has to speak about Jesus and Holy Christmas. The Sai Spiritual Story for Christmas Day from The Prasanthi Reporter. read more »

Are We Ready?

Bhagawan Who had made the epochal declaration, as a teenager, that “I Am Sai Baba; I have come to ward off all your troubles; keep your houses clean” had later assured a devotee: “You can be wherever you are; I shall come to you; If you call upon Me, I shall be at your side.” Endeavouring to bring ‘Him’ home, the most beloved Divine form, every devotee with pure-hearted devotion stands with a chance to win His grace to manifest Him. While meditating upon this holy task of bringing The Lord to our homes, let’s take a peek at one of His home visits happened in the early sixties…as chronicled by H Sunder Rao… Are we really ready to ‘bring Him home? …and to fathom the inexplicable potential of Prasanthi? read more »