Archive for the ‘Say It Poetically’ Category

As The Soul Does Revel In Radha Bhav
Friday, September 9, 2016
9th September 2016 is being observed as Radha Ashtami…the Sacrosanct Appearance Day of Sri Radha Rani…the Celestial Nectar of Krsna’s Essence…the Mystical Melody of Krsna’s Flute…the Most Sovereign Pinnacle of Selfless Love and Matchless Devotion…the Physical Personification…the Visible, Tangible Manifestation, the Simple, Perfect, Splendorous…Perfectly Splendorous Expression, Appearance, Advent of Krsna’s Heart And His Expansion. Loving Salutations and Adorations…Soulful Obeisance to the Adhar…the Support of Sri Krsna…the Creator’s Cosmic Queen – Sri Radha Rani. A poetic offering by Sri Jullie Chaudhuri on the auspicious occasion.
Posted in Say It Poetically, Straight From The Heart

Come, Bless India…Oh! Sai Maa…
Monday, August 15, 2016
Seventy Years of Independence, where does India stand… Is She really free today?… was She ever bound? …and how shall we, her precious children move ahead loving and serving our Mother Land, Beloved Mother India? …writes Sri Jullie Chaudhuri on the occasion of India’s 70th Independence Day… read more »
Posted in Say It Poetically

In The Cosmic Classroom…
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
As is in the worldly scene, where we await our graduation day, often wishing to graduate with flying colours, so are we to be tried in the Cosmic Classroom when the graduation day arrives – with the final verdict being delivered by the Ultimate Divine. What ought to be the aspirations of the Ultimate Master Who has brought us into this worldly scene, with expectations galore, as Mother Divine??? Every aspirant in the Sai Path must be aware of this status, awaiting the Graduation Day from the Cosmic Classroom… always working hard to qualify at ease… to become That…writes Jullie Chaudhuri, rhyming on the theme of Cosmic Classroom. read more »
Posted in Reflections, Say It Poetically, Straight From The Heart

Educare For Loka Vikas…
Saturday, January 16, 2016
The world today must address all the problems in the platform of human value … that it is time for the world to understand the Sathya Sai Baba’s Educare is not only a system of learning, but, a singularly well defined way of life, none can question… On the occasion of National Balvikas convention at Prasanthi Nilayam a poem of tribute by Sri Jullie Chaudhuri, hailing His Mission and Vision of Balvikas that leads to Loka Vikas. read more »
Posted in Say It Poetically

A Divine 2016…May Truth Return To Reign Supreme
Thursday, December 31, 2015
As the whole world is ringing in to a fresh, hopeful 2016, the Sai fraternity, those who are wedded to the Sathya Sai school of thought may ask themselves some deeper questions, trying to assimilate, understand and come to terms with the incomparable boon at hand, being His messengers… as Sri Jullie Chaudhuri spells out the the glory galore of Sri Sathya Sai on the eve of the New Year, let’s join in, delving deep into Sai, seeking a Sai-Full 2016. read more »
Posted in Say It Poetically