Archive for the ‘Animal and Nature’ Category

I Am In Every Heart That Is The Temple Where I Dwell
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
The Lord of our times, our Beloved Bhagawan, epitomised Love not alone for humans, but for all of His creation. The Lord Who gifted a revised Universal Mantra, “Samasta Lokah…” encompassing entire creation, often hinted upon expanding our hearts to “Samasta Jeevah…” for humans to take a cue and imbibe, loving all alike, be it human, four legged ones, the flying colours or even other terrestial beings. It’s time for man to see God in a dog…and that alone would help him to earn His Grace…seeing all alike as exemplified by Mother Sai…Read on an interesting episode illustrating how precious is a animal that we identify as ‘stray’ one when it comes to viewing through His eyes…For me there were no strays all belonged to Bhagawan and I couldn’t ‘stray’ away from that thought…writes Ms. Jullie Chaudhuri narrating a life-saving incident from her diary, happened in early nineties. read more »
Posted in Animal and Nature

Baba – The God Of Bees!
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Emphatic statements boasting of one’s faith in God could very well be heard and tested by God ‘in the same coin’. Baba’s ears are everywhere and better watch out, says Ms. Maria St. John of California narrating a thrilling episode of her own….Baba – The God Of Bees! …an extract from Sanathana Sarathi later published under Sai Spiritual Showers.
Posted in Animal and Nature, Sai Spiritual Showers

God is present in everyone in the form of The Atma
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
How many of us follow the age old adage “live and let live” and how many of us make a sincere effort to live our lives responding to the moment in accordance with His teachings? Having been fortunate to come under Bhagawan’s Supreme Love, most rarest of heavenly boon, are we not obliged to transform into Cosmic Beings, showing Care for Life, Concern for Nature, Love and Reverence for all Creation sans any reservations… read more »
Posted in Animal and Nature, Reflections