Is He God!?!

In his journey towards God, man often fumbles not to dump himself to doom, but to arise, awake and to walk the path again with more vigour…until he reaches Him, his final destination…Man’s journey unto his final goal is always a saga of ups and downs, with the mind playing tricks often deluding him…Sri Raj Sekhar Ganta attempts to poetically illustrate this dilly-dallying game of man’s spiritual journey…Raj Sekhar Ganta is an alumnus of SSSIHL, Prasanthi Nilayam Campus and the poem is extracted from his book of poems ’108 Heart Beats’.


Is He God..Is He God, I question myself,

During long hours, as I sit for Sai’s Darshan.

He is God…He is God, I answer to myself,

When Sai stands in full glory, granting sparshan and sambhashan.


Is He God.. is He God, I scream in ego,

When Sai ignores me all the time.

He is God..He is God, I sing unto reverberating valleys with echo,

When the indweller Sai, fulfils even my innermost aim.


Is He God… is He God…I exclaim in pain?

When I am swooned in the battle of life.

He is God..He is God… I proclaim in gain,

When almighty Sai protects me from further strife.


Like a frog, jumping over stones of doubt and devotion,

With my faith wavering there and here.

Yet He always taps me with a smile of compassion,

And says – Why fear, when I am near!

II Samastha Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu II