Supreme Mother Kundalini

Kundalini Sakthi is the evolutionary power in the human system that starts Its journey from the Muladhara Chakra at the base traversing towards the Sahasrara Chakra, completing the journey of human spiritual evolution, the merger of Shakti with Shiva, Self-Realisation. Dr PV Shankar from the US had the great good fortune of learning the real essence of ‘the yoga’ from Bhagawan directly. Read on the ‘essence’ from the author, extracted from his book, SAI ANTARVANI. 

In 1975 I was serving as a Sevadal volunteer in Dharmakshetra at Mumbai. During Swami’s visit, Swami brought with Him an octogenarian devotee called Thirumalachar, who was the author of Sri Sathya Sai Suprabhatam. I was informed that Swami had chosen me to serve Sri Thirumalachar and came to know that Thirumalachar was the Raja Guru of Venkatagiri Maharaja, and he is the one who introduced Venkatagiri Maharaja to Swami.

Thirumalachar was a great Yogi and an adept in Kundalini Yoga. Pleased with my service, one day, he promised to teach me Kundalini Yoga, the intricate yoga mudras, the whole nine yards. Most unexpectedly, Bhagawan walked in while Thirumalachar was saying this. Teasing him Swami said: “Thirumalachar, have you become a Guru? Who are you to teach him Yoga?” Swami looked at me and said, “No, Kundalini Yoga for you.”

Thirumalachar got afraid and chased me away, saying never to ask him spiritual questions again. Years later, Swami asked me, “Do you remember Thirumalachar? He used to remember you all the time. Yesterday he merged in Me.” Many years later, Swami gave me the following message saying He was teaching me the real essence of the Kundalini Yoga, not the Hatha Yoga interpretation.

The power of Divinity lies hidden within everyone at the base of the spine, coiled like a serpent in everlasting wait for the awakening moment. She is the Mother of all bliss and the Power of all powers.

Whether one believes or not, with a little effort in observation, anyone can feel the movement of Prana in the body, the precursor to the arousal of Kundalini. One may call it tingling or goosebumps or simply strange vibes; it is all the same, the movement of Prana from head to toe.

The human body houses seventy-two thousand nerves interconnected in a giant network and energy management system, which can put to shame any modern energy plant, self-monitoring, self-cleaning, self-controlled, and self-renewable God energy.

The journey starts at the base of the spine and is rooted for the crown of the head; in between, there are five service stations, knots of nerves and muscles called plexus, chakras like the transformer of an energy plant. Each chakra routes the energy to a higher, subtler, and high-frequency plane.

Each centre is a chakra or a wheel in motion, with energy swirls at the macrocosmic and the microcosmic levels. What is outside in the cosmos is reflected within the body at these spiritual energy centres.

The Muladhara Chakra at the base of the spine is the foundation where the Kundalini is coiled up. The Swadishtana Chakra the natural resting place, which facilitates the fulfilment of desires, primarily sensual, the confluence of the creative forces.

The Manipuraka Chakra at the navel region is the city of jewels, the treasure chest of human accomplishment.

The turbocharged energy for the next ascendency, the Anahata Chakra, is the home of Pranava, AUM, the origin of the origin-less sound.

Next is the Visuddha Chakra at the throat, the centre of purity of thought, word, and deed.

The Jneya Chakra (Ajna Chakra) in between the eyebrows is the command centre of the other lower centres. It is the doorway to the dawn of wisdom operated by the key, the command of the Guru.

And finally, the summit of all accomplishments is the Sahasrara Chakra, the thousand-petalled lotus radiating the magnificence of the cosmic energy symbolising the merger of the individual soul with the Universal Soul.

In the spiritual journey of man, these seven centres are also recognised as the centres of Self-Confidence (Muladhara Chakra), Self-Satisfaction (Swadishtana Chakra), Self-Reliance (Manipuraka Chakra), Self-Sacrifice (Anahata Chakra), Self-Enquiry (Visuddha Chakra), Self-Surrender (Jneya Chakra) and then finally Self-Realisation (Sahasrara Chakra).

II Samastha Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu II