In Krsna’s Heart…Never Apart…Forever A Part…

Now nothing in this world can hold me or keep me tied… …everything drops away seemingly falsified… With Krsna i must posthaste be unified… rhymes Sri Jullie Chaudhuri opening her heart up to The Supreme Divine Who Is The Eternal Enchanter Of Wholesome Creation… Rare Beauty Beyond Compare…

O   N   E…
One And Only One…
One None Else…
One None Eternal…
In Kanha’s Heart i choose to reside,
…norms defied…perceptions clarified…
In Krsna’s Heart…i choose to reside…
…hidden from human sight…
…deep…deep inside…
Deep, deep inside,
Creation…every bit in creation is the Creator’s bride…

Deep, deep inside,
The sound of the flute…
…oh! so mesmeric and enchanting…
My love for Him makes me hum a hymn within Him…
…for Him…
…losing myself in adoration of Him…
…i surrender to the sound of the flute…
…i listen…i hear…till the i does disappear…
For years and ages i cried –
O! Krsna…don’t hide from me anymore…
…this separation i cannot any longer endure…
A million ways i did explore…
…to overcome the agony seeped into my core…
Time and again my soul did implore…

Now nothing in this world can hold me or keep me tied…
…everything drops away seemingly falsified…
With Krsna i must posthaste be unified…
And so, deep, deep inside His Heart…
…hidden from human sight i now choose to reside…
i become a hymn that merges in Him…
…the i blissfully swims in Him…till there is only Him…
In Krsna’s Heart…Never Apart…Forever A Part…

The truth…
…is to be aware of this Truth beyond all Truth –
Even as we journey through the Cosmic Boulevard,
Every little bit in creation is eternally His Counterpart…!

II Samastha Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu II