Thy Glorious Presence…

Once again when the ‘Attribute-less’ Infinite Supreme willed to come in a ‘finite’ form, He descended on planet Earth as Sri Sathya Sai, The Avatar Of All Ages, The Avatar For Infinity… He is The One not to be understood, but to be experienced; with an open heart… with the soul bare open to accept… and then it is sure, an experience of His Glorious Presence… Running Up to the glorious day of His Advent as we are gearing up, Sri Jullie Chaudhuri sings paeans to The Love That Conquers, Beloved Mother Sai…

Salutations to Thee, a zillion loving salutations to Thee, Oh! Goddess Supreme…Oh! Beloved Mother Sai! You are the Truth, You the Supreme Cosmic Law. It is You, Who, our ancient wise ones have sought through penances anew.

Oh! Divine Mother, It is You, Who sustains Mother Earth…and the entire cosmos in Your vast bosom. Time owes its origin to You…and You alone are the sole, steadfast companion of the past and the future…and so too, it is Your Presence that nourishes and upholds the present. It is You in all that we behold…You live through us and we…live in You!

It is Your Essence that gives us life…by making the five elements come alive. Sun rays that blaze, moonbeams that gently embrace; deep oceans, lofty mountains; snow, rain and dew pour forth from You; gushing streams, bouncy waves upon rivers that joyfully flow along sandy shores; mineral, gems, sparkling crystals and ores; fertile plains, luxuriant soil, endless fields of grain; forests, lush green foliage, trees, flowers; mysterious planets, meteors, luminous comets and sparkling stars; bipeds, quadrupeds, wings, fins and furs…myriad species of wondrous birds, animals and aquatic creatures; colours, fragrance…each tiny fragment, each atom originates from Your limitlessly profuse abundance, Your matchless opulence.

Your Womb is the origin of the Universe, Your all-encompassing Love…Your Power…Your Sakthi…Your Force is the base…the Source that brought creation into existence.

Come, Oh! Great Mother, suffuse our soul, the soil of our psyche with Your Effulgence, graciously sprinkle our being with Your Grace…Your benevolence…plough our heart and mind so that may sprout courage, compassion, patience, faith, values and substance. Firm is our conviction in Your Love, Your Compassion, Your Grace…Your Word, Your Truth.

Your words have arms that embrace our soul,
Your words show the path that leads us on towards our goal,
Your words have feet that leave footprints in our heart…
Your words make us aware that from You, we are never apart,
Your words have eyes that give our hope sight…
Your words alone light up the darkest night,
Your words are an eternal guide…
…Your words intercept any affliction…
…a loving communiqué that You are always by our side,
Beyond the worldly furnace…
…Your words radiate a higher purpose,
From any and every kind of negativity and doubt,
Your words are a way out…
The mesmeric effect of Your words none can flout…

With profound reverence and love…we offer obeisance to Thee, Oh! Goddess of our soul, Precious Golden Heart, Beloved Mother Sai, we salute Thy splendid Advent, The Purpose of Thy Emergence, Thy beatific Appearance, Thy magnificent Truth, Thy matchless Will, Thy forceful Perfect Word…even as we plead our need for the premium boon of Thy sublime Essence, Thy transcendental Omnipresence, Thy Glorious Presence.

II Samastha Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu II