Endless Love…
Tuesday, September 30th, 2014
Pleasure is an interval between two pains, or rather a pain is an interval between two pleasures…How one should take on these so called tests, trials and tribulations that embrace his life tapping the right source of inspiration stems out of faith in the Ultimate Walks The Earth, Beloved Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai….a poem from Ms Nupur Chaudhuri.
I asked You to hold me that night,
As I cried, without any answer in sight,
I knew You listened,
I knew You saw my tears glisten,
For I felt Your warmth in an instant,
I saw my troubles getting distant,
I felt in my mind a soothing calm,
And, I knew only You, my loving Father,
Were the balm.
I wondered aloud then,
‘If You love me so,
If You, Your presence instantly show,
Then why, dear Father,
Do You let me go through trouble,
Why, loving Mother,
Do I sense my problems double?’
As I drifted off to sleep,
You answered my query,
‘If you are forever happy,
And making merry,
Then when, My dear child,
Would you think of Me?
To turn to me,
Where would the need be?
I love you more
Than you could ever love the word ‘love’,
To protect you, to shelter you, to love you,
I’ve come from above,
Let Me then, My dear child,
Do My duty,
Let Me teach you to appreciate,
The power of faith, its Divine beauty,
Let Me be the shoulder you cry on,
Let Me kiss you a kiss of love,
Happiness and blessing,
At the start of each new dawn,
Let Me show you how precious to Me you are,
Let Me hold your hand,
And accompany you to the lands near and far,
Let Me always be the One you turn to,
For, you must know, My child,
That no one can and no one will love you as much as I do…
So, don’t ask Me ‘why?’,
To live through all I put your way,
You must earnestly try,
For there’s nothing you can’t survive,
I have given you the strength you need for life,
Cry your tears if you want,
But know that sadness will never haunt,
For I’ll always be standing there,
In, around, below, above,
Protecting you with My armour of endless, endless love…’
II Samastha Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu II
Posted in Say It Poetically |