For You…I Do… ‘Dare’

In a busy world of fast life style how many of us have real time for God, Who is The Master Designer and Creator of this vast  universe? God, The Generator-Organiser-Destroyer of all life and worldly forms often gets relegated to lower status as mundane material world takes undue precedence. Man should know that he is born to dare…to dare to dream…and sing a different song…a song from the soul to reach Beloved Mother Sai. Read on an inspirational poem from the book of poems “Mother Sai” by Ms. Jullie Chaudhuri.

When I know You in everything,
And feel You here, there and everywhere,
Then of You I receive,
An inexhaustible share,
Laying my soul bare,
For You, Beloved Mother,
I do…dare…

…I dare to dream,
…I dare to swim,
Against the current upstream,
…I dare to sing a different song,
Bereft of material desires,
For You,
My heart does long…

…I dare to see harmony,
Where there is none,
…I dare to seek abundance,
Fulfilling my need for the rays of the sun,
…I dare to build bridges not walls,
My soul longs for You,
The truth overcoming the false…

…I dare to see my every moment filled with You,
…in every bit around me, I dare to see You,
…in the touch of the breeze – Your name it does murmur,
…in the maggot-filled wounds of the mangy cur,

…I can see and hear,
Only You…

You fill my senses,
My thoughts, words and deed,
From the chains of narrow thinking,
You have me freed,
You open me up to an enlightened view,
Is it any wonder then,
That the world pales into insignificance,
When compared to You?
Cherished Mother Sai…
…Only You…
…Forever You…
…Simply You…
And it is only because of You,
I do,
To seek You,
In all that is around me too,
To constantly draw unto me,
My divine inheritance,
My share,
Of You,
When I know You in everything,
And feel You here, there and everywhere,
Then of You I receive,
An inexhaustible share,
Naught else do I seek nor want too,
Laying my heart bare,
Giving in to the soul’s natural flair,
I seek You,
And I ‘feel’ Your love and care,
For You…I do…Dare…
To sing a different song,
For You, Beloved Mother Sai,
My soul does long…