Posts Tagged ‘Videos’

Music Concert by Sumeet Tappoo…
Thursday, November 17, 2011
A week-long festivity celebrating 86th Birthday of Bhagawan got underway with a vocal musical serenade by upcoming singer Sumeet Tappoo on the 16th November evening in Prasanthi Nilayam. The festivity would continue till the Birthday of Bhagawan, on the 23rd November 2011.
The singer, who had the rare privilege of singing in Bhagawan’s physical presence on earlier occasions, began with a Telugu verse offering millions of salutations before drifting into Hindi singing paeans to Beloved Bhagawan.
A Ganesha vandana accompanied by a string of nine pieces followed. Renditions ranged from singing in praise of Mother of The Divine, Maa Easwaramma, to singing His glory listing various attributes of the attributeless Divine. “Jaago Prasanthi…” and another piece calling Him out as the sweetest of all mothers, read more »

Akhanda Bhajan 2011 – A Report
Monday, November 14, 2011
Global Akhanda Bhajan for Universal Peace was conducted in Prasanthi Nilayam on the 12th and 13th of November attended by thousands of devotees. Simultaneously thousands upon thousands of Sai Centres across the world also conducted Akhanda Bhajan, as has been the practice over the years. read more »

Gujarathi New Year in Prasanthi Nilayam
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Celebrating Gujarati New Year Balvikas Children from Sri Sathya Sai School, Surat enacted a drama entitled “Living in Sai’s Omnipresence” on 27th Oct evening in Prasanthi Nilayam. The presentation was an attempt to portray some of the true incidents, as testimonies, to His Divine Presence! read more »
Tags: Dance, Functions, Photos, Pilgrimage, Skit, Videos
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Diwali 2011
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
The festival of Diwali was celebrated with much devotional fervour with the state of Gujarat takes the lead in the proceedings on 26th Oct evening in Prasanthi Nilayam.
The programme commenced with State President of Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations, Sri Manohar G. Trikannad introducing the session. He also presented a brief profile of various seva activities in the state.
Tags: Dance, Festivals, Photos, Speeches, Videos
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Cultural Programme by Odisha Balvikas and Youth
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Odisha has had a long and loving relationship with Prasanthi Nilayam with Bhagawan having a special soft corner for Sevadal from the state. The youth and Balvikas from the state have come on a special pilgrimage in which they have volunteered to be of additional service in the way of ashram cleaning and other chores. They also held inspiring sessions participating in singing and lectures by Ashram elders.
Tags: Photos, Pilgrimage, Skit, Speeches, Videos
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“Rama Raajyam Sai Samraajyam”, Drama by Tamil Nadu Balvikas and Youth
Friday, October 7, 2011
In the evening of October 7th , there was a Drama by the Sri Sathya Sai Organisation, Tamilnadu entitled, “Rama Raajyam Sai Samraajyam” (The kingdom of Rama, The empire of Sai). The drama was preceded by a dance performance by children dressed colourfully in yellow and pink with the backdrop of a song encouraging us to listen to the sacred story of Ramayana. read more »
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Prasanthi Vidwan Maha Sabha 2011
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Day 1:
The Prasanthi Vidwan Mahasabha 2011 commenced at 1630hrs on the 30th of September with Veda Chanting by Primary School Children. Sri Shashank Shah introduced the Prasanthi Vidwan Mahasabha which has been conducted every evening during the Yajnam for the last five decades. Navaratri is a festival of victory, of Power (Shakti) adored and celebrated in 3 forms for 3 days each. Anger, Adventure and Audacity (Tamas) dedicated to Mahakali; Wealth, Authority and Prosperity (Rajas) dedicated to Mahalakshmi; Self-Control, Knowledge and Discipline (Satwa) dedicated to Maha Saraswati.
The Avataric Resolve of Nurturing the Vedas and the Scholars, Protection of the Righteousness and the Devout lead to the formation of this holy yajna, said the learned speaker. At the conclusion of the very first Veda Purusha Saptah, Sri Ganapathi Sastri who could expound every syllable of the Vedas stated that he had not had the privilege of witnessing such a scrupulously correct Yajna, which could pass the most rigorous tests of ancient Indian scriptures and traditions while quoting Vedic Mantras in support of what looked like casual acts of Bhagawan and declared that Baba was the Veda Purusha.
Tags: Concert, Functions, Photos, Skit, Speeches, Student Programmes, Videos
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Veda Purusha Saptah Jnana Yajnam 2011
Thursday, October 6, 2011
“The Yajna that we are performing now is meant for Loka Kalyanam (good of the world). Do not think that we are performing the Yajna just because people are performing Yajnas elsewhere. This Yajna is being performed with total spirit of sacrifice. We have no desires or expectations. Our only desire is that everyone should be happy. People perform Yajnas and Yagas to overcome famine and drought situations. But I don’t take such things into consideration. I do not give scope for such constricted vision. Famine, drought, etc., come and go. Whatever you do should confer everlasting happiness on all. It should help you to attain Divine grace.” – Dasara Discourse, 11 Oct, 2002.
The 30th of September 2011 was a historic day in Prasanthi Nilayam. This day we completed 50 golden years since the first Veda Purusha Saptaha Jnana Yajna was performed in Bhagawan’s Divine Physical Presence at Prasanthi Nilayam in the Navaratri of 1961. The ritwiks assembled at 0700hrs in the Bhajan Mandir of Sai Kulwant Hall. After the preliminary chants they accepted diksha vastram (new clothes) from the Ashram elders and invoking the blessings of Bhagawan changed into the same. The Kalasam was then taken in a procession to the Poorna Chandra hall where it was installed on the western end of the dais,. A special Kumkum Archana along with Lalitha Sahasranama Parayanam was commenced by the Head Priest and his wife.

Parthi Yatra by Prakasam District
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Devotees from Prakasam District got their opportunity to perform their annual pilgrimage to Prasanthi Nilayam this week. A speech and a Carnatic music concert comprised the first day’s programme. A skit entitled ‘Seva Aradhana’ was presented on the second day.
The programme commenced with Vedic recitation at 1630hrs. At 1700hrs, Sri. Sriramamurthy, District President of Prakasam District addressed the gathering. He started his speech enumerating the contribution of Prakasam District to the culture of Bharath, to its society and the holy mission of Bhagawan. Conveying his salutations to the various temples of the district, and expressing gratitude for the various industries it houses, he reported on the activities of the Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organisations in the district.
Tags: Concert, Photos, Pilgrimage, Skit, Speeches, Videos
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Onam 2011
Friday, September 9, 2011
Onam, the prime Kerala festival that marks the homecoming of legendary king of yore, Emperor Mahabali was celebrated in Prasanthi with much devotional fervour attended by a miniscule of Kerala along with devotees from other parts of the world.
With the state of Kerala celebrating its most colourful festival Onam, with gaiety and fervour commemorating mythical past, peace and equanimity as practised by its erstwhile Emperor Mahabali, a miniscule of Kerala camping in Prasanthi celebrated the festivity commemorating the golden past of Onam in the immediate Divine presence.
Tags: Concert, Conferences, Festivals, Photos, Pilgrimage, Skit, Speeches, Videos
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