Archive for the ‘Storytime With Baba’ Category

Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose – India’s Greatest Patriot
Monday, August 13, 2012
Addressing the students of Sri Sathya Sai Institutions during Summer Course 1990 Bhagawan spoke about India’s foremost Freedom Fighter Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose, narrating a beautiful incident depicting Bose’s selfless love for his Motherland. read more »
Posted in Storytime With Baba

Freed From Fear…
Sunday, August 12, 2012
God intoxicated, exalted Saint Sri Krishna Chaitanya never distinguished anyone with any kind of reservation whatsoever. He treated everyone alike as Embodiment of Supreme Divine. When met up with an ‘self-styled’ untouchable seeker, a mendicant, how Bhagawan Chaitanya treated him elevating him to a state of Supreme Bliss, releasing him from fear that marred him right from his childhood days…a story as narrated by Bhagawan. read more »
Posted in Storytime With Baba

An Emperor’s Taste…
Monday, July 23, 2012
Likes and dislikes are but fancies of the moment; the mind wavers, flits from one thing to another. One has to realise this and be steady, adhering to the good and avoiding the injurious, says Bhagawan narrating a beautiful story from the life of Mughal Emperor Akbar. read more »
Posted in Storytime With Baba

Lessons From Sabari’s Sadhana…
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Sabari, the aboriginal character in the epic Ramayana is a great celebrity in the world of devotees as she epitomised highest sadhana with her pure unsullied love for Her Beloved Lord Sri Ramachandra. An aboriginal woman she was, Sabari grew curious after she heard of Lord Rama and His proposed visit to Sage Matanga’s hermitage, during Rama’s sojourn in the forest. Ever-since she remained God-intoxicated thinking of Rama alone, desiring for His darshan. Narrating this beautiful story, Bhagawan urges His devotees to take a cue from the illustrious life of this devotee of His Treta Avatar and attain the Ultimate. read more »
Posted in Lessons From The Epics, Sadhana - The Inward Path, Sathya Sai Speaks, Storytime With Baba

Sri Krishna Chaitanya and the thief…
Saturday, July 14, 2012
In the company of the holy ones, one acquires the wealth of God-Remembrance and along with this exercise comes an inner transformation. Valmiki’s transformation from being a dacoit to sage of enlightenment is one of the most enchanting episodes of such epochal spiritual transformation. Sri Krishna Chaitanya a.k.a. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, a renowned, revered holy being lived over five centuries ago had touched many such lives during his sojourn, spreading Bhakti Yoga…During one of His Divine Discourses delivered at the University Auditorium, Bhagawan had narrated a beautiful story of such a transformation, involving Sri Krishna Chaitanya and a thief… read more »
Posted in Storytime With Baba