Archive for the ‘Sai Spiritual Showers’ Category

Parva Nai…

Although most of us know that Baba is Bhagawan and nothing is impossible for Him, still we like to hear about His Mahimas (miracles), marvelling at them, all over again, as if they were not a self understood matter, when He is concerned, writes Indra Devi, Tecate, Mexico illustrating some of her experiences, as chronicled in Sanathana Sarathi, Feb, 1971.

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Crocodile Jaws…

An old classmate of Bhagawan, from His high school days, had been badly addicted to one of the worst  vices, suffering for a long time… At a time when he was unable to come out of the ’crocodile jaws’, he gave a vow to His old Divine Class Mate, seeking Divine intervention…How did the prayer work out for Dr Meeramohiuddian from Uravakonda, Anantapur district? …extracted from Sanathana Sarathi, December 1977. read more »

Vidya Gita…

Who is the best and who follows the path that excels every other one? When such a dispute arose among the exalted sage beings, Goddess Tripura Herself had to intercede, showering humanity with the Supreme Wisdom, The Tripura Rahasya…Answering the question, Goddess Tripura declared that one who is devoted to Abstract Consciousness excels every other seeker… an extract from Sanathana Sarathi, September 1968, written by Janakicharan Das. read more »

Rescued in the womb…

When an intense prayer emanates from a heart suffused with deep-rooted faith, the prayer is granted, with the Lord performs a ‘miracle’…even to the extent of rescuing a baby inside the womb…Read on a wonder-tale from the life of the Lithuanian couple, Darius Zukas and Lolita, an incident from July 2000. read more »

Baba Answers…

Is there any quick-fix with Bhagawan to cure the ‘ill-afflicted’ world? Why does not He cure it by His mere sankalpa? …and are rich and poor alike in His presence? What is it that makes life worth living?…Bhagawan answers to a barrage of questions posed to Him by a Marxist editor of an Indian Newspaper. From the book ‘Sai Baba – The Embodiment Of Love’ by Peggy Mason and Ron Laing. read more »


Words with profund spiritual import were spoken by the Supreme-Most Avatar, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai, in the year 1968, revealing greater facets of His Avatarhood on Planet Earth. Noticing the greater importance of the same, the then Editor of Sanathana Sarathi, Prof N Kasturi published the same with bullet points in the July, 1968 issue of Sanathana Sarathi. read more »

“This One Is Mine”

One of the finest prayers that man could ever pose unto God was scripted by God Himself, as Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. This is a prayer of contentment, listing out a few ‘i do nots’ and ‘i shall nots’. Read on a timeless message from Bhagawan, penned for the 59th Birthday issue. read more »

Only a miracle can save him…

Remembering Bhagawan’s Divine Assurance, of His dharma to protect His devotees, an old housewife fervently prayed to Bhagawan, as a last-ditch effort, to intervene to save her husband, who had suddenly taken ill. Praying for a miracle against all odds the woman resorted to Vibhuti given by Bhagawan Himself…and the miracle happened…Read on Sri TS Menon narrating how Bharat Kesari Sri Mannath Padmanabhan of Kerala earned a revival of life, at the ripe age of 93…from Sanathana Sarathi, November 1968. read more »

The Unbelievable!!!

How would Sathya Sai respond to a desperate call from someone whose conviction about “Him” being God is almost nought, whose very demeanour changes into a fearful one on hearing about Him, Sri Sathya Sai? Read on from Rita Bruce who writes about Sathya Sai’s unique way of showering grace delivering a ‘family’ package, as appeared in Sanathana Sarathi, February 1986. read more »

Nirvikalpa Samadhi

Bhagawan’s ways of clearing the doubts of an aspiring mind is unique…He often responds, reading the mind of an earnest seeker, showing glimpses of higher truth, imparting lessons of profound spiritual significance. Dr T. Nallainathan, Colombo had such a beautiful experience, with Bhagawan talking about the Ultimate Goal of human sojourn. From Sanathana Sarathi, June 1967. read more »