Archive for the ‘Sai Spiritual Showers’ Category

Swami knows everything about everybody…

Bhagawan’s ways are incomprehensibly mysterious, leaving the devotee clueless about the whats and hows…What a devotee requires is Sharanagathi, total surrender as Arjuna displayed, with unflinching faith. An episode about Bhagawan’s Divine Foresight, from the book Sri Sathya Sai Anandadai Journey with Sai by Smt Karunamba Ramamurthy.


My mother had a friend in Puttaparthi, who had come from Kerala. In spite of seeing so many miracles and mahimas of Swami, she was not convinced that Swami was God. She was doing the chores of preparing breakfast for Swami and arranging the food brought by others to be offered to Swami. She did her job well with sincerity. She was the wife of a high ranking official based in Madras (now Chennai). She had a son and a daughter. Her son went abroad and settled there. Her daughter was also married. She owned a big bungalow constructed on a huge site in Madras. Once in a while, Swami would stay in her house, during His visits to Madras. read more »

The Celestial City

When Puttaparthi beckons, one needs to understand that life is taking a different turn, a turn towards goodness and beauty, a turn towards the main highway, wherein spiritual blossoms await to unfold mysteries of His Supreme Benevolence. Read on how Christine Draper experienced Him in the Celestial City called Puttaparthi, transforming his life for good. Extracted from Sanathana Sarathi, May 1986. read more »

Sai Rama – Dutha At Our Window

At a time when He was not widely accepted as Sai Baba, when critics would often look at Him and His actions with growing reservations, one family was immensely blessed by ‘The Little Divine’, the family of Little Sathya’s Uravakonda school teacher, Manchiraju Thammiraju. He would continuously bless the Thammiraju family with His Divine Visiting Cards, teaching them to live in an age of miracles. read more »

We Had The Vision!!!

At the age of 14, as a student at the Uravakonda High School, young Sathya was a Divine Child for many and invariably Thursdays would wear special colours with the Little Divine turned up showing what He calls His visiting cards. Along with other devotees, one family, that of Sri Manchiraju Thammiraju, Little Sathya’s teacher at the Uravakonda High School, was immensely blessed by the ‘Little Divine’! read more »

With You…Within You…

When an Avatar walks on two feet preaching and teaching, guiding and guarding, He chooses His myriad ways to communicate, to educate the mankind raising them to their original disposition. Countless interactions and interviews of Bhagawan brought forth priceless Pearls Of Wisdom, sure to dispel the dark clouds of doubts of humanity, for eternity. Read on such an enlightening conversation between The Supreme Lord and a devotee, as recorded by a New Yorker, published in Sanathana Sarathi, March 1975. read more »

Baba Answers!

Perhaps one of the greatest boons that an Avatar bestows upon humanity is to dispel the clouds of darkness to guide them in the path of liberation. Though, in general these counseling comes in the form of Divine Discourses, there were rare occasions when questions pertaining to spirituality and other intricate matters were fielded to Bhagawan. Dr John Hislop had this rare privilege of seeking answers for some of the trickiest and yet vital questions that represented the common perceptions and doubts of the Sai Fraternity. Read on from the notebook of Dr John Hislop as published in the Oct 1974 issue of Sanathana Sarathi. read more »

Two Beautiful Stories…

Two beautiful stories, one from the time of Lord Rama as recounted by Bhagawan Himself and another one by Lt. Gen. ML Chibber (Retd), a beautiful ‘darshan’ incident from 1990, narrating most unpretentious face of devotion of a Gorkha woman… From the archives… read more »

A Sharp Knife Across My Tongue

Dr. B. Sampat from Lucknow had a unique experience with Bhagawan, experiencing the Divine Doctor in Him, Who walked past the bolted door in the dead of night to perform a ‘magical operation’, relieving His devotee from excruciating pain, granting him a fresh lease of life to keep praying… extracted from Sanathana Sarathi, June 1964. read more »

Vibhuti does it!

The Bible speaks about faith and greater faith. Quoting Jesus, It says, “… if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there’, and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.” (Matthew 17:20) This faith is not the realm of the ordinary, though it is not reserved exclusively for the explicitly ecclesiastical ones. Interestingly, at times one could see absolute, unqualified faith mushrooming in unexpected quarters. Read on such a story illustrating a little lad’s unflinching faith, new-found love for Bhagawan’s Vibhuti…written by Hari Prasanna, extracted from Sanathana Sarathi. read more »

Thus Spake Sai…

Our puzzled mind can be compared to a cluttered closet housing sundry thoughts, often confusing our being. How often do we hope and pray for a fresh waft, a wise piece of counselling, that helps to clear the debris allowing us to fly free. Here comes a “Wisdom Talk” as spelled out by none other than Bhagawan Himself, extracted from the notebook of a Srilankan, published in Sanathana Sarathi, September 1974. read more »