Archive for the ‘Sai Spiritual Showers’ Category

Three Bags Full!!!

Master punner He is… we have often seen Bhagawan doing jugglery of words, in His discourses and ‘casual’ conversations, only to give an impetus to His broader intentions… and how subtly He connects every word that He utters, aptly suiting the situation. Sri VK Narasimhan presents an Australian experience inside the Interview Room, with his editorial comments. From Sanathana Sarathi, May 1992. read more »

Blissful Smile…

How Bhagawan often goes an extra mile to bring an extra smile on His devotee’s face… Sri N.V.N. Somayajulu shares an incident depicting His special touch of grace, fulfilling an earnest desire of one of His devotees. read more »

Depart Without Debt…

Bhagawan is hailed in the Arathi song as “Sadgurudeva”. He is the Divine Teacher of Supreme Truth. He makes use of every conceivable occasion to drive home the profoundest truths in the most compelling and interesting manner. The students and small group of devotees who were present at the evening gathering in “Trayee Brindavan” after Bhagawan’s return from Ooty on 11 May were blessed in many ways. Besides Bhagawan’s darshan and prasadam at the end of the meeting, they had the unforgettable privilege of listening to Bhagawan’s informal discourses which were mainly concerned with what may be compendiously described as “practical spirituality”. Bhagawan spoke one evening on what is true friendship. On another evening, He illustrated from a crucial episode in the Mahabharata how it is sinful to be silent witnesses to the perpetration of a grievous crime. read more »

You don’t have faith in your own words…?

As the saying goes “Easier said than done” man of today tends to preach a lot with little practice. How often we boast of our so called faith only to find ourselves wanting, later… Read on a beautiful episode from the life of Ms Shiraz P. Pavri of Navsari, extracted from Sanathana Sarathi, Nov-Dec 1985. read more »

Jnana Marga or Bhakti Marga…?

Bhakti is Pure Love… and without Pure Love one cannot reach Godhood. Whichever the path one follows, everything sprouts from Bhakti, Pure Love… While all paths lead to the same goal, in a Divine discourse delivered on 21st August 1996, Bhagawan, through two beautiful stories, certifies Bhakti Marga over Jnana Marga, with the first being more easier owing to the complexities involved in the latter path, tor the men of present day to reach the Ultimate Goal… read more »

A Question On Sadhana…

Sadhana is essentially the pathway to God. To reach the destination one has to be devoted to the chosen path with all earnestness. ….and along with it comes certain pre-requisites and essentials that entail the spirited journey… Dr John Hislop writes in detail… extracted from Sanathana Sarathi. Janurary 1980. read more »

Three Minutes Late…

Imagine a paradoxical situtation wherein one gets caught up to decide between two odd ends. Many of us get into these kind of situations often failing to handle the issue diplomatically. What would God do if he got into such a situation? Veteran devotees Dr. Vinayak Krishna Gokak and Dr. John Hislop had a unique experience of one such situation happened way back in 1974 just before Dr. Gokak’s return to India after his triumphant tour as Bhagawan’s ambassador to the Sathya Sai Centres of America. Read on the story as narrated by Dr. John Hislop in the January, 1975 issue of Sanathana Sarathi.

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The Oneness Of Shirdi Sai and Sathya Sai…

The unmanifest when decided to manifest in the Kali Age, He chose to don the garb of Shirdi Sai first, before coming back again as Sri Sathya Sai. How does one know the unity or oneness of the two Sai Avatars, Shirdi Sai and Sathya Sai? To those fortunate and deserved ones, Bhagawan had given ample proof, convincing them beyond any doubt of the Oneness.  Sri Madhav Dikshit of Mangalore was one such lucky soul…writes Dr D J Gadhia narrating the experience of ‘proof beyond doubt’ happened inside the interview room. Extracted from Dr Gadhia’s book ‘Sai Smaran’. read more »

Tripura Rahasyam

Who is really Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba…? How best and authentic can He be described…? His mystery is beyond the understanding of the finite mind…why, attempting to glorify The Supreme Cosmic Godhood of Sri Sathya Sai, from Whom emanates millions and millions of Brahmands only to dissolve back unto Him, one can venture to say that His Supreme Truth is a mystery even the Trinities and Goddess Tripura… read more »

An Absolute Encounter!!!

How wonderful are the ways of Bhagawan… calling His devotees, acknowledging His devotee of His protecting grace… He alone is the script writer and director…always donning the lead role… doing the right thing at the right time for the right person. An interesting tale from the life of Viswajith Singh of Allahabad…from Sanathana Sarathi, March 1980. read more »