Archive for the ‘Say It Poetically’ Category

Thursday, August 7, 2014
A day in darshan line…awaiting His arrival…receiving Him…watching Him through…enjoying every bit of His Presence…and every extra bit coming from Him as Supreme Grace… When you watch Him without realising Him…without going deep to understand His full potency…you are tempted to take it most casually… but when you make yourself aware with the thought that He is the One Who is the Source behind everything…Who is the Light behind all lights…Who is the One Who has neither any beginning nor an end…and at Whose Feet all the millions of Brahmands end up…you will end up with welling gratitude…yes, for all that He has given…is giving and is assured for future…we need to be Grateful…!!! …a poem by GB, Australia… read more »
Posted in Say It Poetically, Straight From The Heart

Tasmai Sri Guruve Namah…
Saturday, July 12, 2014
When Guru becomes SadGuru…becomes God Supreme…that becomes the ultimate blessing for a devotee. For the Sai fraternity, if one could address it so, this day is supremely special for, He becomes The Father… The Mother… The Guru and God Supreme… Supreme SadGuru for the entire fraternity that knows Him…and beyond the circle, for the entire creation… He Is The Cause!!! It is the occasion to pay special homage to That Unmanifest One…Who manifested out of His Pure Love, guiding the entire creation back unto Him… as Supreme SadGuru!!! Poetic musings from Sri Jullie Chaudhuri on the auspicious occasion of Guru Purnima. read more »
Posted in Say It Poetically

Ashadi…Shayani Ekadashi…
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
This day is no ordinary day…it has a special spiritual charisma that could take one a long way…even to absolve one off all his sins to grant him the final goal of liberation…Ashadi Ekadashi, the eleventh day ‘auspicious’ in the month of Ashad has its luminous side, the legend says. And how does one approach this festivity from Sathya Sai’s point of view… even as the symbolic Dindi procession enters into the Sanctum Sanctorum of Sri Sathya Sai Prasanthi Nilayam, let’s introspect and join Sri Jullie Chaudhuri learning more about the interesting legend of Ashadi Ekadashi. read more »
Posted in Say It Poetically

The Era Of Sathya Sai…
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
Living in an era that is most potent with The Avataric Advent in our midst, men of present times need to be aware of their great good fortune, that is unparallelled in the history of creation. The Master gives us selflessly, but does He receive from us unconditionally? The Master loves us eternally, do we reflect Him incessantly? The Master’s life is His message continuously, but is there any effort to follow or remain in tune simultaneously? asks Sri Jullie Chaudhuri reaffiring the truth that The Era Of Sathya Sai still has so much more in store… read more »
Posted in Say It Poetically

Om Sri Sai Sadhakaanugraha Vata Vriksha Pratishtaapakaaya Namah
Saturday, June 28, 2014
The Supreme Sage of Puttaparthi, the Banyan Tree planted by the Ultimate Divine Hands turns 55 on 29 June 2014. Counting on the profundity of the mysterious mystic touch of the supreme-most Avatar, one remains dazed wondering, watching this most tranquil ‘avatar’ of Parthi, conferring meditative bliss to seekers-earnest at the behest of Master Of All Masters, God Of All Gods, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai, acting as His potent tool. Paying rich tributes to this meditative wonder of Parthi, as Sri Jullie Chaudhuri sings paens of praise to this Little Master, let’s all join drowsing into the legend of this meditative wonder of God’s Ultimate Earthly Abode. read more »
Posted in Say It Poetically

“Little” Darling…a Tribute to Sai Gita…
Thursday, May 22, 2014
On 22nd May 2007 Sai Gita’s soul chose to fly free…to continue to ring out its melody…in the etheric sky…to merge forever with Beloved Mother Sai… Living her life full, with one-pointed devotion to Mother Sai, this Little Princess had left her footprints in the heart of her Beloved Bhagawan and in the hearts of devotees around the world, with lessons galore from her ‘Ideal Life…’This particular poem…a tribute to Sai’s Gita…sketches a rapport so wondrous…an association totally harmonious…an affinity exalted…sublime…unique and deserving. These are words that openly applaud and honour a rare, noble soul who fulfilled the purpose of her birth…who consistently and persistently persevered to nurture and nourish a yearning solely for the Master…deeply knowing that true worth lay only at the Beloved One’s precious Lotus Feet…
On Tuesday, 22nd May 2007, Sai Gita chose to transcend…ascend…and blissfully fly…across realms…together forever…with her Beloved Mother Sai… a poem from the pen of Sri Jullie Chaudhuri.
Posted in Say It Poetically

Eashwaramma Tera Sai Yug Yug Ka Avatar…
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
A cosmic privilege was bestowed upon a simpleton woman from, an until then unknown ‘ancient’ village called Puttaparthi in Andhra Pradesh…and the cosmic privilege took this village woman to become the most privileged Mother on planet Earth, for all time… and her ‘Bundle Of Joy’ become the most exalted Saviour of cosmic creation for all time…and the village Puttaparthi, undoubtedly the most sought after spiritual centre for the entire globe, for all time… as the world of Sai fraternity remembers the Divine Mother once again with fond memories, saluting her celebrating Mother Easwaramma Day, Sri Jullie Chaudhuri rhymes saluting the Divine Mother… read more »
Posted in Say It Poetically

Thus So My Thoughts Do Flow…
Thursday, April 24, 2014
When 24th April revisits once again, the day that jolted the Sai fraternity initiating a ‘Cosmis Mayday’ how does each devoted heart take it and how do your thoughts flow on this day… reiterating…re-affirming…recapitulating all about the Celestial Beauty called Sri Sathya Sai… reminisces Sri Jullie Chaudhuri on the occasion of Aradhana Day… read more »
Posted in Say It Poetically

What Keeps You From Our View?
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Having experienced the Celestial Divine Beauty of Sri Sathya Sai Avatar on Earth, every devoted heart longs… incessantly beats, yearning to catch yet another glimpse of His enchanting Form… Being eluded repeatedly, despite continuous fervent prayers, it is time for devotees to make amends resolving to make Sathya Sai their way…Sathya Sai their Goal…!!! …a poem by Sri Jullie Chaudhuri… read more »
Posted in Say It Poetically

Criss-Cross Lines That Shine Your Love
Friday, April 18, 2014
In the mystery play called life where every being battles it out, some knowingly and some quite oblivious of The Presence of the Wire-Puller called God…the Truth remains as clear that nothing escapes HIM, Supreme Godhood and He and He alone is everything…be it a rise or fall, everything serves as a stepping-stone to the ‘Ultimate Destiny’ called Sri Sathya Sai, echoes Ms Nupur Chaudhuri… from the April 2014 issue of Sri Sathya Sai Newsletter, Pune. read more »
Posted in Say It Poetically, Straight From The Heart