Heed The Call Of SadhGuru Sai… “Samastha Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu”

So full of Divine, the writer reflects the feelings of every single devotee here, our collective feelings for Beloved Mother Sai,  The Guru Of All Gurus, The Supreme SadhGuru,  The Sanathana Sarathi, that one is impulsively prompted to rhyme the famous poetic line “Sukshmam Se Sukshmam Tu Hai Sthul Itna Ki Jisme Yeh Brahmand Sara Samaya”. A poetic beauty from Sri Jullie Chaudhuri on the epochal theme of Cosmic Oneness, ‘Samastha Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu’. 

Gurudeva, Priyadeva, Sathya Sai Deva…Dayamaya…

A declaration most vital and true,
My Guru is God…God is my Guru,
My Guru is Love…Pure, Selfless and True,
Thus do i wholeheartedly…
…heed the call of my Guru –
Samastha Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu,
Harmony for all beings in all the lokas…
…all the realms and worlds the Cosmos through.
Guru is Light,
His are the Glistening Rays of Grace Divine,
Guru is Peace, His are the Shimmering Beams…
…bringing amity, unity, 
tranquility, equanimity,
Guru is Truth,
His is the Invincible Energy that pervades all of Eternity,
He is All Pervading as Consciousness,
Unseen yet palpable is His Subtle Caress,
Beyond boundaries touching all,
Forever…sans any end or beginning…boundless,
And then,
He chaperons, leads, mentors…

…from within as the conscience,
Forever conspicuous is His Essence,
Through Sathya, Dharma, Shanti, Prema,
He personally leads us unto…
…the threshold of Ahimsa,
…opening wide the doors of our heart space…
…to daya…
…to love, to kindness…to all-encompassing loving kindness,
This is how Sri Sathya Sai Gurudeva does all supremely bless,
So, my dear ones,
Let us heed the call of Sai Guru –
Samastha Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu,
Samastha Jeevah Sukhino Bhavantu,
While Samastha Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu…
…envelopes all beings in one sweep,
‘Samastha Jeeva…’
…tenderly touches each being individually…
…a most loving touch personally…
…exuding, ushering one-on-one harmony,
Thus, let’s heed the call of Sai Guru,
Wishing well-being for all beings…
…all that lives and breathes creation through. 

What does the word ‘Guru’ mean to you?

The One who eradicates darkness?
The One who leads you into the light of awareness?
The One who shelters and shows the way?
The One who sharpens the intellect and empowers the insight?
The One who incessantly does guide?
The One who steers away from self to selflessness?
The One who opens you up beyond limits to vastness…
…escorting you into the wondrous dimension of metta and compassion…
…benevolence, sympathy and tenderness…?
The One who delivers you into the Ocean of Oneness?
The One who widens the sphere of existence to include all…
…all that exists in His Universe?
In the mineral, plant, animal, aquatic, human and cosmic realms?
From the tiny ant to the mighty oak tree,
From the oceans blue to the birds that fly free,
From dolphins that spin and swim smilingly,
To the myriad hued flowers that spread their fragrance…
…oh so naturally,
From the snow clad mountain peaks, fertile plains…
…to the radiance of many an unknown galaxy,
The Cosmos reverberates the love of God and Guru,
Come, sweet souls,
The way out of any epidemic or pandemic,
The way to end all hostility, aggression and conflict…
…inner or outer,
Individual or global,
The journey to peace lies in heeding…
…proclaiming, promoting, living the call of Sai Guru,
The Guru of all Gurus –
Sri Sai Guru, Sri Sathya Sai Guru,
And His Empowering Call…
His Call of Illumination and Awakening –
Samastha Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu,
Samastha Jeeva Sukhino Bhavantu,
Peace, Happiness, Well-Being for all beings…
…in all the realms, all the lokahs the Universe through,
This is the Cosmic Call of Sai Guru,
Together let us intensely intone, resound, breathe and live it too –
Samastha Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu,
Samastha Jeevah Sukhino Bhavantu,
A most appropriate and befitting offering…
..at the Petal Soft Lotus Feet of our Precious Gurudeva…
Our Cherished Sai Guru, our Beloved Sri Sathya Sai Guru…
Let us fulfil the message of our Guru –
Samastha Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu,
Samastha Jeevah Sukhino Bhavantu!

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