Gratitude…Flows From Me to You…
Sunday, November 22nd, 2015
Are we aware that He has granted us the boon to breathe the same air as He was… in this world of Sri Sathya Sai, having known Him and His mightiness, all that a devoted heart should possess is Loving Gratitude for Him, for His all-conquering love and munificence. As we are at the doorstep of The Day Of His Supreme Advent, let’s allow our feeling of gratitude to flow towards Him… for the Cosmic Privilege, Heavenly Favour… writes Sri Jullie Chaudhuri.
As my mind travels to that sacred day…
…when You, sweet Lord,
…chose to be born on Earth…
…the heart seeks a joyous replay…
…it desires to celebrate all the yesterdays…
So much gratitude flows from my soul…
…to You, Oh! Supreme Beloved…
…for Your Advent…
…for this marvellous ballet…
…upon the Cosmic Parapet…
…this endless saga…between God and those devoted…
Truly grateful am i…
Beloved Mother Sai,
For Your matchless benevolence…
…for the shower of priceless, limitless…
…nurture and care…concern and patience,
…and for streaming pure love of a zillion mothers…
…through every moment in my life…
…and all that it incurs…the forging ahead…the reverse…
…the ups, downs, the smooth runs as well as the curves…
For the understanding, support and protection…
…thank You for being my forever Father,
As my Gurudeva, my precious Guru…
What can I say about You…?
In myriad unique ways You teach me my lesson…
…through the blooming and the recession…
…the swing betwixt the ends of a pendulum…
You prepare me to meet the storm…
…nudge me to manoeuvre many a qualm…
You herald in the inner calm…
Karmic retributions may take me to the brink…
…but You never ever allow me to sink…
Thank You for birthing me in to the world of Sai…
…to metta, amity…
…compassion for all beings and harmony…
And…for attracting and opening my heart to…
Samastha Lokaah/Jeeva Sukhino Bhavantu…
…kindly accept my earnest and loving -
Thank You!
How can I express what it means…
…to have You as my constant Friend and Companion…?
Thank You…Beloved Mother Sai…
…for the numerous questions I ask…
…in some way or the other You do bestow a reply…
Thank You…for listening silently…
…bearing many an idiosyncrasy…
…for always being there through all the wear and tear…
…teaching me to pray…and answering many a prayer…
So much heartfelt appreciation…
Thank You…for so many a wondrous benediction,
For allowing my soul a sole attraction,
And so too,
For treading upon Earth…
…and granting an age of holiest sanctum…
However the ultimate sanction…
…is that You…
…allowed me to breathe the same air as You…
Such is Your tender benevolence…
…that You saved me from dismal ignorance…
…permitted me the awareness that You are God…
The Supreme Personality…
…the Ultimate being come again…
…in a Magnificent Advent…
For this Cosmic Privilege and Heavenly Favour,
That You in mellow mercy did confer,
My heart expands with love, humility and reverence…
…Thank You for the boon of allowing me…
…to know of and bask in Your Glorious Presence,
And, thus so…these feelings surge and whelm…
Gracias…Danke…Arigato…Grazie Mille…
Merci Beaucoup…Merci Beaucoup…
Thank You…Thank You…Thank You…
Oh! So naturally, overwhelmingly, continuously…
…each second of this day…
…and all other moments through too…
Immeasurable Gratitude flows from me to You…
II Samastha Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu II
Posted in Celebrating The Advent Supreme..., Say It Poetically |