My Dream Is You…My Destiny is You…

There is nothing to pretend, there is nothing to hide, all i have to… is lovingly and adoringly affirm my dream, that my dream is You, that my destiny is You… writes Sri Jullie Chaudhuri, echoing passionate words of dedication and devotion at Beloved Mother Sai. Yet another beauty of poetic Adoration…


…i  can’t remember You, Beloved Bhagawan..
…i can’t,
For how can i remember You,
When i cannot forget You…
…memories of You are not memories,
But a Living Presence…
…the love in it,
Oh, so immense…
…like a waft of cool, cool breeze,
On a hot, hot…burning hot summer day,
Giving life a fresh lease…

A mention of Parthi,
Of Thee,
And  there is a bittersweet tug at my heart strings,
…with joyful recall, recollections and tears…
…my heart perennially sings…
…i know, Divine Mother,
You pervade every inch of space,
Many a wistful sentiment interlace…
…into a pensive ballet…
…that fervently states, resonates, reiterates…
And, of my feelings,
I make no pretense…
Hence, lovingly…adoringly…
…i do affirm -
My dream is You,
…my destiny is You…
…come, heal my destiny…
…if that is what You need to do..
…I appeal to You…for You…
Oh! Beloved Bhagawan…
…shower that inimitable Grace…
…and bless…
…my dream…
…my destiny…
…my dream destiny to come true…

II Samastha Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu II