Sri SadhGuru Sathya Sai Sharanam Mamah
Friday, July 31st, 2015
With yet another Guru Pournima comes as a salient reminder of the innate Truth that every jeevatma carry, we, who are enfolded in the loving unbounded circle of The Teacher Supreme Sri Sathya Sai can relive Him within and without, immersing in the True Self Principle called Sri Sathya Sai. A dedication from Sri Jullie Chaudhuri at the Lotus Feet Of SadhGuru Sri Sathya Sai.
There is nothing and no one…
…that can compare with You,
Immeasurably incomparable are You,
Apurva, Atulya, Anupama, Anuttama…
Sri Sadguru Sathya Sai Sharanam Mamah…
There are no secrets,
Nothing veiled, hidden or unknown to You…
…nor is there anything that is not known to You,
Omniscient are You,
Your Word everlastingly Magnificent and True…
…and Your Will eternally Supreme,
Kuthastha, Sarvoccha, Para, Parama…
Sri Sadguru Sathya Sai Sharanam Mamah…
There is no such place as far away…
…when we enjoy sannidhi…
… with Omnipresent You,
As a consequence of…
Sarvada Sarva Kaleshu Sarvatra,
Sai Chintanam…
Always, at all times, under all circumstances,
When we contemplate upon You,
As prompted by You…
…ever loving, compassionate You…
…radiating boundless, unsurpassed compassion…
Karunamay…Karunya…Apaar Anukampa…
Sri Sadguru Sathya Sai Sharanam Mamah…
Oh! The intricate nuances of the Cosmic Play,
Perils and pains dissolve and disintegrate away,
So too, without much ado…
…without even an adieu…
…do vanish hopelessness and dismay,
Contemplation on You,
Evaporates the onslaught of the material world…
…and its slippery superficial retinue…
All due to You,
Omnipotent You,
The Ultimate Absolute,
Your Power none can contest or refute,
Bhagawan…Sarva Shaktiman,
Sthavira, Samartha, Prabala, Maha,
Sri Sadguru Sathya Sai Sharanam Mamah…
An Advent so wondrous…
…exuding abundance…
…abundant affection for all of creation,
A Divine Descent for the explicit purpose of transformation…
…for mankind to ascend…
Oh! Beloved Gurudeva,
With complete absorption in Thy precious…
…most sacred petal soft Lotus Feet…
…that eternally beckon and enchant…
…wholeheartedly do innumerable hearts chant –
Sri Satchidananda Sadguru Sathya Sai Sharanam Mamah…
Oh! Guru most true…
Existence, Knowledge, Bliss Incarnate…
…adoring Salutations…worshipful Obeisance to You…
…our sole refuge is none else than You…
You are the Essence of…
Brahma, Vishnu, Maheshwara…
Pure, Auspicious Truth,
Most Beautiful Beloved,
Mangalya, Shubha Sathya, Charutama Priyatama,
Sri Sadguru Sathya Sai Sharanam Mamah…
Come, save the mind of man from darkness of ignorance,
…revivify and rescue hearts drowning in the sea of poverty…
…bereft of amity, empathy and mercy,
Enhance the pace,
We beseech Thee…
…for the enlightening shower of Thy inexhaustible Grace,
Akshaya Anugraha,
Sri Sadguru Sathya Sai Sharanam Mamah…
Asato Ma Sad Gamaya,
Tamaso Ma Jyotir Gamaya,
Mrtyor Ma Amritam Gamayaa…
Come, augment that much awaited…
…elusive and exclusive golden awakening…
Oh! Beloved Gurudeva,
Supreme Soul…Paramatma...
Sri Sadguru Sathya Sai Sharanam Mamah…
II Samastha Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu II
Posted in Say It Poetically |