Hridayantaranga – Drama by 1st PG students…
Sunday, February 11th, 2018
In the run-up to Holy Maha Shivarathri, which is in two days, 1st PG students from Prasanthi Nilayam campus of SSSIHL presented a drama entitled ‘Hridayantharanga’ this evening at the Sanctum Sanctorum in Prasanthi Nilayam.
Posing some of the most pertinent questions a human mind can project with reference to Godhood and His Helping Hand, the presentation this evening sent out several pointers answering them one after one.
The drama begins in the backdrop of a Sri Krishna temple at Madhavpur portraying the temple priest and his ‘rebellious’ son Mano, protagonist in the drama, engaging in an argument on the financial way ahead at home with the lady at home in the sickbed. Questioning the devout father on his action of donating certain money to the temple, leaving his wife’s ailment in the hands of God, Mano turns rebellious seeking desperate means to meet the exigency. He does not pay heed to his father’s words of wisdom as to why to seek His money, when He HimSelf is available.
What/Whom would you prefer, Creator or creation, the drama throws this pertinent question answering the same through the famous Mahabharat episode involving Lord Krishna, Arjuna and Duryodhana. In the epical context Arjuna prefers to have Krishna against His mighty Narayani Sena, leaving a greedy Duryodhana earn the Narayani Sena.
As ‘luck would have it’, perverted advice at the nick of time made a pensive, seeking desperate means in desperate times, Mano hobnobbing with the perverted stealing the Krishna idol. Interestingly as Divinely orchestrated, Krishna comes alive manifesting HimSelf helping Mano to take away the idol, under one condition, never to open his mouth, answering any query.
Even as Krishna absolves the young lad of any crime, He brings in the needed transformation in Mano, answering the essential question that with Lord in your side, anything is possible.
As years passed by, Mano turned Manoratha Swami took over the priest hood at the temple. Enjoying the company of Krishna Who often comes alive answering him in the physical, Manoratha’s life turned beautiful. Suddenly an unforeseen absence of His physicality, absence of open answers when required the most turns Manoratha pensive and thoughtful as to where The Lord Is and why He Is not answering?
To the pensive heart the solace comes at last, as Krishna appears. He says, He is always trying to reach out, but in vain owing to closed heart of the devotee. When a devout heart offers his thoughts, words and deeds to Him the distance between ‘him with Him’ vanishes, where the devotee becomes God HimSelf, declares Bhagawan Krishna.
The presentation turned out to be a poignant reminder of spiritual progression of a devotee.
Bhajans next ended with Mangala Arathi to Bhagawan.
II Samastha Lokah Sukhino Bhavantu II
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