Archive for November, 2014

Ananya Bhakti…
Monday, November 10, 2014
How many of us do get immersed in the melodic, enchanting music of Sai Krishna’s flute, completely intoxicated, forgetting our own selves??? Bhagawan narrates the essence of true, unparalleled devotion…Ananya Bhakthi… From Bhagawan’s Divine discourse at Abbotsbury, Chennai, on 19 Jan 1986. read more »
Posted in Indelible Impressions, Sadhana - The Inward Path, Sai Spiritual Showers, Sathya Sai Speaks, Sathyam Sivam Sundaram, Storytime With Baba, Straight From The Heart
Akhanda Bhajan 2014 concludes in Prasanthi Nilayam…
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Twenty Four hours into its initiation, Akhanda Bhajan 2014 for Universal Peace came to a close at 1800 hrs. with Mangala Arathi to Bhagawan here in Prasanthi Nilayam today. Commenced at 1800 hrs. on Saturday evening, the Bhajans continued nonstop for twenty-four hours with men and women leading by turns. read more »
Posted in Prasanthi News
Akhanda Bhajan For Universal Peace commences in Prasanthi…
Saturday, November 8, 2014
Akhanda Bhajan 2014 commenced at 1800 hrs. this evening here in Prasanthi Nilayam. Simultaneously, thousands of Sai centres around the globe, spanning countries and continents, also will be joining the ‘spiritual saga’ for Universal Peace, as per their respective national time, making it a true global affair. read more »
Posted in Prasanthi News
Global Akhanda Bhajan today…
Saturday, November 8, 2014
Global Akhanda Bhajan 2014 gets underway today. Akhanda Bhajan is a marathon spiritual exercise, a non-stop rendering of divine glories of God for twenty-four hours, initiated by Bhagawan and followed on a global scale promoting universal harmony and brotherhood. read more »
Posted in Prasanthi News

Mahatma Guru Nanak…
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Nowadays, if the children ask any questions about the aspect of Brahma, the parents will curb such curiosity by saying that they should not waste their time. They are told to think of such things only after getting old. Today, many people who are preaching the aspect of Brahman will go nowhere because they are subservient to the worldly desires. There is a small story here. On the occasion of Guru Nanak Jayanti today, a Guru Nanak story from Bhagawan. read more »
Posted in Indelible Impressions, Reflections, Sai Spiritual Showers, Straight From The Heart

Baba Is Lord Dattatreya…
Sunday, November 2, 2014
In every age He incarnates…. the Ancient One…Adi Guru Lord Dattatreya… Divine legends of yore has umpteen reference of Divine Incarnations…and about ‘The Oneness’ of all these varied forms… Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Who Is ‘The Adimoolam’, Supreme Divinty, Who described Himself as Shiva – Shakthi, Supreme Brahmam and Maha Maya in a Single Form… has also revealed Himself to be Lord Dattatreya… verily He Is Lord Dattatreya… read on how Bhagawan revealed His original entity as Lord Dattatreya… read more »
Posted in Reflections, Reliving Timeless Memories, Sai Spiritual Showers