Archive for August, 2013

Sathya Sai Darshanam – The Beauty Beyond Compare!!!
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Odisha, formerly Orissa, the east Indian State, had its worst nightmare in the year 2008 when River Mahanadi ran in spate inundating the State in flood waters killing and destroying thousands of precious lives and property. Bhagawan’s Love flowed towards the grieving hearts when He decided to rehabilitate them with His project ‘The Flood Of Love’ helping 699 worst affected families…Returning with thanks the State offered a cultural programme in this evening…in His immediate Divine Presence… read more »
Posted in His Darshan - The Beauty Beyond Compare!

Sathya Sai Darshanam – The Beauty Beyond Compare!!!
Sunday, August 25, 2013
World of youth, men, women and children, devotees in general, flocked to the spiritual hub called Puttaparthi…to have a glimpse of The Lord and to earn His blessings…how wonderful were those ‘beauty-packed’ evenings when He made Himself available…granting Divine Darshan… Greater Heaven’s choicest blessings… read more »
Posted in His Darshan - The Beauty Beyond Compare!

Sathya Sai Darshanam – The Beauty Beyond Compare!!!
Saturday, August 24, 2013
God is Love and indeed every human being has the spark of that love towards this God in human frame!…and thus every one of them enjoys every bit of His actions during these Prasanthi sessions! read more »
Posted in His Darshan - The Beauty Beyond Compare!

Sathya Sai Darshanam – The Beauty Beyond Compare!!!
Friday, August 23, 2013
Kerala’s Onam festivity has often been an exciting event for the Lord Who would be seen involving out and out, enjoying the programme and blessing the contingent with words of appreciation… Onam 2010 witnessed an ‘emotionally involved Bhagawan Who later went down the dais to mix with the participants…a heavenly boon for the folks at the Highest Abode on Earth! read more »
Posted in His Darshan - The Beauty Beyond Compare!

Sathya Sai Darshanam – The Beauty Beyond Compare!!!
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Onam has been one of the major attractions in Prasanthi Nilayam, every year, when Bhagawan would give His ‘heart n’ soul’ to the festivity, blessing the State, the contingent etc. Year 2010 was not different when HE chose to shower His Supreme Love for the state celebrating the festivity… read more »
Posted in His Darshan - The Beauty Beyond Compare!

Sathya Sai Darshanam – The Beauty Beyond Compare!!!
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
The Avatar Who entertained, enthralled devotees en masse, with His coveted Divine Darshan, has always been encouraging …promoting many cultural traditions and festivities, instilling greater faith in devotees, teaching them to imbibe varied culture and traditions of the sacred land. One such occasion was Varalashmi Vratam that fell on this day, 20 August 2010. read more »
Posted in His Darshan - The Beauty Beyond Compare!

Sathya Sai Darshanam – The Beauty Beyond Compare!!!
Saturday, August 17, 2013
His Picks, we can rightly call them so, as Bhagawan would, while seated onstage, pick some of the boys for conversation, for a Divine Chat, a rare benevolence, meeting up with the soul’s long cherished prayer, dream…known only to Him!!! Prasanthi had witnessed many such occurences during Bhagawan’a illustrious darshan evenings… read more »
Posted in His Darshan - The Beauty Beyond Compare!

Incredible India…Incredibly Dear
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
What is happening to Mother India? …67 years after Her Independence, the country where do we stand…? where have we taken our Beloved Motherland? Quoting Bhagawan’s Own words, The man who cannot proclaim that “This is my native land, this is my mother tongue” is a living corpse; he is no human being at all. People are giving up love for the Motherland and fostering greed for money. It is time for man to make amends and retrace his steps towards his dear Motherland, loving her with reverence and love, truly knowing the great good fortune the countrymen have been bestowed upon, writes Sri Jullie Chaudhuri on the occasioin of 67th National Independence Day. read more »
Posted in Say It Poetically, Straight From The Heart

“Tell Me! Do you believe in Swami or not?”
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Miracles are My visiting cards, said Bhagawan referring to Him performing miracles in the life of devotees. These miracles could be a materialisation, saving from a fatal accident or from a tensed situation, in the form of unseen Divine providence or it could be a word of revelation from the secret life of some one. But, He does it in style, bringing the recipient back on to the right track instilling greater faith in him or her. Read such an interesting account from the life of Bharat Dutt, a former student at Bhagawan’s Institute, as extrated from January, 1987 issue of Sanathana Sarathi.
Posted in Indelible Impressions, Lest We Forget, Reflections, Sai Spiritual Showers

Sathya Sai Darshanam – The Beauty Beyond Compare!!!
Monday, August 12, 2013
Devotees from a Muslim country singing paeans to The Lord Walking On Two Feet…an encore of Samastha Lokah for the third time…this evening turned out to be a quite eventful with Bhagawan presiding over the session on this 12th day of August 2012. read more »
Posted in His Darshan - The Beauty Beyond Compare!