Thursday, May 17th, 2012
Beloved Mother Sai He is for millions of His followers, that, Bhagawan – the Supreme Purusha, with His Divine munificence donned the role of Supreme Divine Mother, an unceasing reservoir of Love That Conquers. How often He ‘exhibited’ this Truth, of Him being Universal Mother? Here is one such Divine visitation as chronicled by Pulloori Rajesham Sastri in the August 1992 issue of Sanathana Sarathi.
Baba blessed me and granted me the Divine Vibhuti and assured me that He will ever be my Guide and Guardian, when I was called in by Him at Prasanthi Nilayam, last month. I am a worshipper of Jaga Janani, having been initiated into it by a great master and I am having in my Puja room a Chakra which my guru had given me. I am doing puja to it since years now. So, when I had the interview with Baba, I made myself bold to ask Him for an idol of my Ishtadevatha (chosen deity), Jaga Janani Herself, from His all-creating Hand. Baba smiled and, patting me on my back, said, “I shall give you.” He then gently pushed me out of the door in order to make room for others, whom He had already called in. I was confused; my anxiety to get the idol made me wait outside for a long time. Two days went by; but, Baba did not call me again; nor did He even once glance at me. So, with a heavy heart, I left Prasanthi Nilayam, praying in my heart that, at least when I am able to come next, He may vouchsafe to me the idol of Jaga Janani.
I reached Hyderabad and stayed with a long-standing devotee of Baba there. I did my usual Puja at his place that night and in the morning, I left for my village reaching my home in time for the evening Puja.
Seated in the shrine room, when I took the silver container of the Chakra I was surprised to note that it was heavier than usual. Who could have put in the extra weight, I wondered. And, what could the extra heaviness be due to? I removed the lid; lo, something bright and shining…. golden brilliance…. an image…. an idol…. Jaga Janani! I took it out of the cylindrical container. Underneath the image there was a paper packet, containing a beautiful miniature photo of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, granting Abhaya to all! O, the overpowering thrill of that moment! How kind, how merciful, how Divine! I wept in joy, I danced, I raved! I lifted up the image and fondly, reverentially, looked at it with tearful eyes. Imagine my ecstasy when I found the letters SRI SAI AMBA engraved on the base of the golden idol!
Come brothers! Let us take refuge at the Feet of the Jaga Janani Sri Sai Amba at Prasanthi Nilayam. |
Posted in Sai Spiritual Showers |